... he's gone. That... horrible man. He's gone now. I'm free... the city's okay now. It can be fixed.
... me and Kite are okay, too. So is the boy... eMMM.
But the masked man. Rain... I think he was here sometimes...?
He's... dead. He killed him during the fight...
... eMMM-- his son-- is staying with me for now... neither of us have anywhere to go now. But we'll find somewhere.
Thank you. To everyone who's been kind to me. I'm lost for now, but... I'll find something. There must be something in this world left for me.
EDIT: ... does anyone know how to take care of a little boy? I... need some help.
((The final part of the WATS canon. Rain and Blue are now official post-canon! Rain is dead at the moment, but he'll get better. Kite, if it's not okay for me to go on and post this, let me know. ♥))