My Dear Penelo [Basch/Penelo, PG]

Sep 01, 2008 20:54

Title: My Dear Penelo
Pairing: Basch/Penelo, hints of Larsa/Penelo and Vaan/Larsa if you squint
Written For: jewel_song
Type: bittersweet fluff
Rating: PG

My Dear Penelo,
   Far be it from me to question your intentions. I did as you asked, and was rewarded with a glare and a bit of a blush. I've no idea why you had to send such a trifling phrase through a messenger, surely you could have written him yourself...? No matter, I will always do as you say.
   Also, he bids me tell you not to tease, and asks after Vaan, as if the two were related thoughts. I did not press further, but I must say... you both are piquing my curiosity. Well, I shall let this unfold, like the opening act of a particularly heartfelt play. It's already more interesting than a day in the senate by far.
Yours Ever,
 Larsa Solidor

My Dear Penelo,
   You kill me ever with curiosity! What was it you wrote in your enclosed note? He ran from the room, armor clanking, almost right into the wall - and I swear his face was bright red. I thought I told you not to tease?
   It's good to hear that Vaan is well, though it saddens me that you part ways, even if for a short while. But it's understandable, what with his new ladyfriend and all. Oh yes, even I've heard rumors. I have the ears of Viera when it comes to certain people, I'll have you know.
   I've also heard she's a whore and a liar, but that's neither here nor there.
Always with you,
 Larsa Solidor

My Dear Penelo,
   I believe I've found my closest and most trusted captain's weakness. You see, it's become a game of sorts - Zargabaath and I do so enjoy poking fun at him, and of course Zargabaath never dares mention your name before me with such implications. But after your last note, which the captain took out of the room to read to avoid embarassing himself, I began to wonder. And lo and behold, I mention you, and suddenly my perfect guardian is all blushes and mumbles and a boy's awkwardness. It would seem he's gotten quite fond of you.
   If that is the case, and you've been using me as a conduit for your affections, please know that I don't appreciate it. If there is something to be said, say it yourself, in person if possible. And I know it's possible - I know Vaan's not the only one capable of flying that pretty airship of yours; and what's more, your contingent of pirate boychildren would leap at the chance to do you a favor. No excuses.
Forever and ever,
 Larsa Solidor

My Dearest and most Wonderful Penelo,
   Jealous? No! I'm not jealous at all. I apologize profusely if my last letter sounded that way - I was implying that such things are better said in person, it means more, and it was with every good intention in my heart that I wish for my captain's happiness. You do have a tendency to tease.
   Perhaps if I was not a king, with a country to rule and a duty to do, then perhaps I'd be a little jealous. But the concept is foreign to me - all I feel is a great sense of joy that the two closest people to my heart can be so happy.
   On that note, it's wonderful to hear of your plans for a visit. The festival is going to be be phenomenal this year; and three new Judge Magisters to instate. You'll get to inspect them personally, insure they mean no harm, and of course it's your opinion I trust the most.
   I've lost track of where our notorious blond sky pirate is; even my informants can't keep up with him. If you happen to get word, please tell him he's always welcome in Archades - in my quarters at the very least, if not by the judges. I'm sure he could find his way there unnoticed, with all his questionable talents. Vaan will always be a friend, no matter the price on his head.
   I suppose this will be our last exchange - but for good reason indeed; I shall see you soon.
Yours truly until the end of time,
 Larsa Solidor

P.S. Gabranth asks me after your ring size. I'm not quite sure why he didn't just ask you; perhaps he was trying to be subtle and thought I might have known off the top of my head? Is that the sort of thing one remembers about one's friends? It's an honest question. You are all I know of friendship.

As Larsa folded the letter and neatly sealed it with the crest of his house, he was surprised to feel a tear roll down his cheek. I'm not sad, he thought, wonderingly. I'm happy. I know I am. So happy, for both of them. His fingers ran over his signet ring, over the little bumps and crevices that formed the snakes of House Solidor. ...Envy, then. For they have what I cannot.

But that didn't explain the hole in his heart, or the salt soaking of his pillowcases that night.

basch/penelo, fanfiction

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