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Comments 9

amandajane5 April 26 2007, 20:49:03 UTC
Oh, pink shirt! Pink shirt is one of the best photoshoots ever! Love that one.

Also, look how ginormous he is with the Kents!

Tom + Ashton = ♥♥♥♥♥♥


dragynville April 27 2007, 01:12:04 UTC
And the bare feet! OMG! :D

I know, so beautifully huge! *_*

Now I've got

"Tommy and Ashton
sittin' in a tree

running through my head. XD


carolandtom April 26 2007, 22:08:32 UTC
I love those pics! The Backstage Special was very enjoyable. I so need Tom doing another interview!


dragynville April 27 2007, 01:13:21 UTC
More interviews YES! He's so funny and personable and warm. :D


herohunter April 27 2007, 02:25:22 UTC
AWWW, great pics!! Just got home and got your email, babe, THANKS!! Now I'm stalking Mininova to be able to download Nemesis, lol!


dragynville April 27 2007, 07:59:43 UTC
Welcome! :D Wasn't it a great ep? I'm all asquee!


herohunter April 27 2007, 19:59:58 UTC
Just saw it this morning, YESSS!!!


ongiara April 27 2007, 07:55:34 UTC
Hehe, Welling and Kutcher make a fine pair :) I remember seeing a recording of one Teen Choice Awards a few years ago and Ashton threw kisses Tom's way who was on stage, too cute ♥


dragynville April 27 2007, 08:00:56 UTC
Tommy is so adorable with all his men. ;D If I had a better copy of the pic, or better skillz, I'd icon them. :D:D


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