hello, yes, i am a geek..

Jul 14, 2006 18:10

I have an eBook and it's very cool. :D
I can take fanfic to read wherever I go. :D
And bookmark my pages. :D
And not be tethered to the comp for reading so much anymore. :D

techno geekery

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Comments 18

sargraf July 15 2006, 01:24:05 UTC
What's an eBook? *intrigued*


dragynville July 15 2006, 01:34:36 UTC
It has an LCD touch screen like a PDA, but it's bigger (size of a paperback book) and just for reading. This is the one I got. You can buy eBooks (electronic books) for it, or upload .html (also .txt, and .rtf, and .doc) pages to read, which was my main reason for getting it. :D


sargraf July 15 2006, 01:35:47 UTC
Oh, that sounds so cool! Thanks! :D *tackles you with hugs*


dragynville July 15 2006, 01:40:03 UTC
*pounce* :D


carinn July 15 2006, 02:03:16 UTC

i want a laptop... so i can lounge on the couch and do stuff... cause my computer chair hurts my ass...


dragynville July 15 2006, 02:05:04 UTC
A laptop would be very cool. :D My neck gets stiff from too many hours at the comp.


starlite_gone July 15 2006, 04:22:53 UTC

oh my god, and the light of God shone down upon me, and it was good.

I WANT THAT TOO HOLY SHIT! i was just talking about how there should be something like that, but i didn't know that worked like that -- i thought you had to dl specifically formatted books or something! can you also edit on there, the html?

but you can read fics anywhere! THAT ALONE IS GOD.

i think i may cry T_T

lol ok, that was a lie, but still -- LIGHT OF GOD. i'm just sayin'.


dragynville July 15 2006, 22:19:35 UTC
And it was very good. :D

You can't edit it on the machine (though you can change the font size and weight), but there is a free online converter and an eLibrarian software (that I haven't tried yet). I format the pages first (it'll read .html/.htm, .txt, .rtf, and .doc), then use the online converter to upload.

I read in bed last night for hours. *_* Instead of having to sit at the comp. So happy!


starlite_gone July 19 2006, 05:20:23 UTC
OMFG. i need this ebook thing like whoa.

it would revolutionize my life *_*

(and isn't that sad that it's true? LOL)


dragynville July 20 2006, 23:11:04 UTC
I have not been disappointed in it at all. It even has a dictionary so you can look up words you don't know. And you can search for words/passages in the text. :D


nekofreak July 15 2006, 05:12:34 UTC
niiiice ^_^ *snugs* (my icon loves your icon ;p)


dragynville July 15 2006, 22:21:01 UTC
It is very nice! :D (my icon pervs on your icon ;)


sharona1x2 July 15 2006, 10:13:23 UTC
That sounds like a great thing to have!


dragynville July 15 2006, 22:24:05 UTC
It is! 15 hours of rechargable battery life and a very well-lit screen. :D I read fanfic in bed for hours last night instead of having to sit at the comp. And it'll be great for appointments or taking the boy to the park, etc. :D


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