Fic: Broken Chains 1/1 (Angel, Oz) PG

May 24, 2015 17:06

Don't everyone fall out of their chairs at once in shock. Yes, I have written BtVS fic for the first time in ::checks tags:: 3 years. Technically, I've been working on this off an on during that time period and I'm finally ready to share. Enjoy ( Read more... )

btvs fic, fic:broken chains, angel, oz

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Comments 14

angelskuuipo May 24 2015, 21:48:27 UTC
I still love it!

The new title works, too. :)


dragonydreams May 25 2015, 01:08:15 UTC
Thank you!

Gabrielle suggested that the other title was a bit too negative for the way the story ends.


jesterlady May 25 2015, 02:15:10 UTC
New fic is always good! I definitely like it when two people who need a friend find each other, especially when they've both had big disappointments.


dragonydreams May 25 2015, 14:17:24 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It was definitely fun having these two help each other out.


velvetwhip May 25 2015, 02:40:44 UTC
I think this story is outstanding, as I hope you already know. What a super little study of a blossoming friendship (and maybe more).



dragonydreams May 25 2015, 14:20:01 UTC
Thank you so much!


emmatheslayer May 25 2015, 03:41:54 UTC
This is so awesome and I love the oz and Angel pairing you should write a part two to this it is very epic and great story telling epic and amazing wow great idea and fic


dragonydreams May 25 2015, 14:23:41 UTC
Thank you so much! I love the idea of Oz and Angel together. As much as I would love to continue this story, it's just not going to happen. I'm a little rusty with this fandom now and it took me years of off and on writing to finish this story. Perhaps someday I'll revisit these guys as a pairing.


rbfvid May 25 2015, 12:08:41 UTC
These two surprisingly have a lot of things in common, and you really managed to show it.


dragonydreams May 25 2015, 14:24:45 UTC
Thank you! When you sit back and look at them from a different angle, they really do have a lot in common.


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