Looking for Willow Prompts

Sep 11, 2014 20:08

It's getting to be the Which Witch Ficathon time of year. I'm looking for some new prompts to fill in what was used last year.

We could use:
1 Season 1 prompt
1 Season 3 prompt
1 Season 4 prompt
1 Season 7 prompt

Thanks for your help!

which witch

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Comments 13

velvetwhip September 12 2014, 01:43:59 UTC
Season 1: What if Willow was the one who staked Jessie?

Season 4: What if, instead of switching bodies with Buffy, Faith accidentally switches with Willow?



snogged September 12 2014, 23:53:32 UTC
I want to write both of these. For real.


velvetwhip September 12 2014, 23:55:27 UTC
Thanks! Glad you find my ideas inspiring. I would love to see you tackle them.



dragonydreams September 13 2014, 00:18:50 UTC
Great suggestions. Thanks!


punch_kicker15 September 12 2014, 05:32:33 UTC
Season 1: What if Willow had to break the news of Jesse's death to his family?
Season 3: What if Willow chose to go to Oxford or somewhere else far away from Sunnydale?
Season 4: What if Willow explored magic with someone else instead of Tara?
Season 7: What if Willow convinced someone else from Angel Investigations to return to Sunnydale?


dragonydreams September 13 2014, 00:19:19 UTC
Thanks for all the suggestions!


punch_kicker15 September 12 2014, 05:41:41 UTC
Of course, two seconds after I hit post, I thought of another prompt.

Season 7: What are Willow's thoughts after the spell in The Killer in Me is broken?


snogged September 12 2014, 23:54:42 UTC
Season 7: What if Willow had remained in England to study with the coven instead of returning to Sunnydale?


dragonydreams September 13 2014, 00:19:39 UTC


rbfvid September 13 2014, 20:58:24 UTC
Season 1: School counselor (that nice Mr. Platt guy we see in ‘Beauty and the Beasts’) notices that Willow spends suspicious amount of time with the older librarian and decides to have a talk.

Season 3: What if the Mayor tried to be father figure for Willow instead of (or in addition to) Faith?

Season 4: What if Willow started talking magic and practicing spells with Anya instead of Tara?

Season 7: Willow's parents are leaving Sunnydale and want to speak with their daughter.


dragonydreams September 13 2014, 22:22:45 UTC
Thanks for all the prompts! I especially love the S1 one (in this comment).


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