Fic: Awake My Soul 1/1 (Angel/Willow/Oz) NC-17

Apr 14, 2011 22:44

Title: Awake My Soul
Author: Elisabeth
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairing: Angel/Willow/Oz
Word Count: 5,289
Summary: Angel left more than just Buffy behind in Sunnydale.
Timeline: AtS between Lonely Hearts and In the DarkDisclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Joss et al ( Read more... )

btvs fic, willow, fic:awake my soul, angel/willow/oz, angel, oz

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Comments 10

velvetwhip April 15 2011, 02:52:21 UTC
I know that you already know I love this, but let me just say it again: I LOVE THIS! Wonderfully sweet and sexy! Love the "arrangement"!

You know...this could be an ongoing series. Not that I'm hinting or anything. *cough*



dragonydreams April 15 2011, 23:20:37 UTC
I am thrilled beyond belief that you enjoyed the story so much. I hope it was just what you'd been craving.

Yes, I am aware of the sequel potential. I make no promises, but that's not to say I won't revisit this 'verse at some point.


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dragonydreams April 15 2011, 23:22:45 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed this story, even with the inclusion of Oz.

No, Oz became a werewolf after he met Willow. (Although, I admit that he and Angel probably didn't spend any time together before he did become a werewolf. Just don't point out to anyone else this lapse in timing. Okay?)


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dragonydreams April 15 2011, 23:24:59 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much. Yeah, I'm aware of the series potential. I like leaving things open ended that way.


snogged April 15 2011, 15:46:39 UTC
This was delicious and quite sweet. I really loved how you explained the need for this to happen and how cool Oz was with it all.

Well done!


dragonydreams April 15 2011, 23:26:33 UTC
Thank you so much! I worked hard to come up with a logical reason for this scenario to happen, so I'm happy that it worked for you.


emeraldswan January 2 2012, 03:19:05 UTC
Wow. This is hot. Really, really hot. I wouldn't mind reading more. :D


dragonydreams January 2 2012, 19:43:35 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed this story. I don't have plans to continue it, but you never know with me.


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