Fic: Lingering Pangs 1/1 (gen fic - Giles, Spike, Buffy) G

Aug 31, 2007 10:44

Title: Lingering Pangs
Author: Elisabeth
Rating: G
Characters: Giles, Spike, Buffy
Summary: How does Giles get Spike into the bathtub anyway?
Timeline: Season 4, immediately after "Pangs".
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Joss et al.
Distribution: My site, fire_fiction, the usual lists, anyone with ( Read more... )

no pairings, spike, btvs fic, fic:lingering pangs, buffy, giles

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Comments 16

a2zmom August 31 2007, 17:16:32 UTC
Love this. One of Spike's talents is finding everone's vulnerable spot and slipping the verbal knife in.

And I also like that as usual, Spike's not completely right. The scene where Buffy thanks Giles was very true to their relationship.


dragonydreams August 31 2007, 18:14:32 UTC
Yes, Spike is definitely good at finding people's weak spots and going after them. It's why he was so successful during 'The Yoko Factor'. As much fun as having him needle Giles was, I also didn't want to leave Giles hurting like that. It's a sign that Buffy is growing up that she did remember to thank Giles.

Thanks so much for reading!


jesterlady August 31 2007, 19:29:16 UTC
Oh poor Spike! But that's a wonderful little interlude into s4. I love the idea of Spike and Buffy watching cartoons together.


dragonydreams August 31 2007, 23:16:23 UTC
Spike is not a happy vampire...being chained up and having to watch cartoons with the Slayer. I'm so glad you liked it.


oreadno1 September 1 2007, 00:07:39 UTC
I loved this! A cranky Spike, a crafty Giles. Spike tried to go for Giles' jugular the only way he could, but Giles got the last laugh (or at least smile) in the end!



dragonydreams September 1 2007, 00:47:10 UTC
Hee! Yes, Spike used the only weapon he had, and almost won, but Buffy proved him wrong at the end.


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