My first *official*

Apr 07, 2009 20:39

Title: Acquiescence
Author: dragontatt
Fandom: Shelter
Pairing: Shaun/Zach
Rating: PG?
Word Count: 100
Warning: Pure sap...

A/N- written for yana_ambf who told me to "get the fuck over it and write." Of course I'm paraphrasing here...*g*

It was the second time Zach’d woken in Shaun’s bed, two days after he’d carried a sleeping Cody regretfully to the car. This time there was no urge to run, to get away before the significance of what he’d done hit him. By the second morning, it was too late for escape.

He woke early, his eyes fluttering in the sunlight streaming in over the bed. He leaned gratefully against the warm body curled up behind him, drawing Shaun’s arm around his waist. He felt the press of soft lips to his shoulder and smiled, closing his eyes once more.

Next time I'll work on *your* prompt fizzerbass!


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