Title: The Daily Diary of Mr. Mycroft Holmes
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Pairing/Characters: Mycroft (mentions of Mrs. Hudson, Sherlock/John)
Rating: G
Disclaimer: If I was ACD, I'd be dead. I don't think I'm dead - I don't smell like I'm decomposing or anything, so I'm not him. If I was a creator of Sherlock, I would have male sexual organs. I don't. Soooo...
Summary: My friend requested Mycroft fic. She received something closer to crack. This is Mycroft's daily diary, dealing with the hard life that is brought on by being Sherlock's big brother. Poor Mycroft.
Warnings: SPOILERS for all episodes. Silliness. Incomplete journal-style sentences.
Note: I haven't written fanfic for *years*, but I've been having a blast lurking around and commenting here! I hope to write a more serious fic, but I have to work. :( Sad.
January 29, 2010
Spoke to the Prime Minister concerning Bank of Ireland case. Ridiculously simple, clearly the woman didn’t keep the money for herself. Saved family without incident.
Notified Sherlock beating bodies in the morgue again. Girl who’s taken with him continues useful in avoiding prosecution despite strange taste in men. Need to find Sherlock a new hobby.
Knitting body parts? Also, Sherlock has met potential roommate for Baker St. flat through sane acquaintance. Ex-army doctor. Have ordered Level 6 security check.
January 30, 2010
Contacted by Prime Minister of Italy con. walk out of his judges. Why must world leaders whine to me over their own stupidity? More interested in resignation in Central Bank of Argentina. Suggest Lord Darnley move money to Bolivia?
Met Sherlock’s probable roommate. Impressed Sherlock managed to acquire Dr. Watson without assistance; usually utterly hopeless. Doctor seems promising; clearly addicted to danger, curious, somewhat intelligent, though needs to fire his therapist (note: therapist required for pension - look into, will probably suggest staying away from Sherlock - contact Secretary). Hopefully can protect Sherlock if needed, obviously didn’t turn in his gun: walks like it’s at the small of his back; Sherlock notably unaware of danger when involved in a case. Illegal firearm noted in case I need to get rid of him in the future. Wonder if Sherlock has noticed Watson is clearly bisexual -has only to watch where his eyes look. Sherlock often unaware of these things. Could be interesting, though Watson clearly has chosen to ignore this side of his personality, possibly due to family fall out over lesbian sister.
Dr. Watson refused spy money. Sherlock will be disappointed; he needs a new suit. So does Dr. Watson. Should not be allowed to dress himself.
February 1, 2010
Sherlock took Watson to crime scene. Went well. Continue hopeful re: usefulness of Dr. Watson. Sherlock clearly interested - healthier than obsession with skull? Lord help me if Sherlock worries about hurting its feelings again as with V. Trevor. J.W. has not moved skull. Interesting.
Note: Offer money to Mrs. Hudson for spy services; clearly taken with both S and J.
February 2, 2010
Note: Get copy of Swiss info from Schaeuble.
Note: Alter crime scene accounts con. JW’s gun. Quite dashing, shooting the murderer; Sherlock seems rather taken. Never knew Sherlock wanted a knight. Interesting . JW appears to plan on staying around, has already dropped the cane. Updated their surveillance - will JW be good influence, or will Sherlock get worse?
CAN Sherlock get worse? Sure he’ll find a way.
Hudson refused money, offered biscuits. Tea tomorrow @ 5.
February 7, 2010
JW referred to Sherlock as “spectacularly ignorant” on his (not) therapeutic blog. Pleased to see someone else realizes this. Sherlock will not be pleased. But I am.
Note: Revoke notice to have therapist fired.
February 24, 2010
Misplaced new Greek translator. Contacted Sherlock. Sherlock refused. Contacted J.W. No response as yet; sure he is telling Sherlock anyway. Sense of honor is quite amusing.
Tea with Hudson. Hudson has decided to teach Sherlock basic manners. Wished her luck, probably pointless. Also, excellent new recipe for cinnamon biscuits.
February 25, 2010
Translator located. Witnessed Sherlock’s reaction to John actively doctoring injured man. Very telling. As expected, JW a very competent physician, calm in difficult situation. Must speak to Hudson con. their behavior when I’m not there. Always rather enjoy watching Sherlock work, shame he’s such an infant.
JW beginning to look at a portion of Sherlock I have chosen to ignore since he was out of nappies, only when Sherlock’s back is turned. Apparently not aware of reflective surfaces.
Note: Arrange for “accident” in front of 221B for additional info on Sherlock watching JW working?
March 2, 2010
Accident went well. Sherlock did not tell JW how to do his job. Revealing. JW immediately recognized insurance scam. Sherlock clearly pleased.
March 24, 2010
Sherlock managed to get himself involved in Chinese Triad. Clearly needs keeper; JW disappointingly insufficient. Knew parents didn’t need second son from day one; has been a pain in my neck since he was a screaming toddler in the room next door. Now he moves from primary school bullies to Chinese acrobats. I blame this on the idiotic school teacher who let him research sociopathy in psychology class. Now he just thinks he has an excuse to do anything he wants - clearly is just obnoxious and socially inept. Glad I had her fired.
Note: Research Dr. Sarah Sawyer - Useful?
March 25, 2010
Hudson reports Sherlock made tea all by himself. Offered cup to JW. Tea apparently terrible, but still progress. Hudson reports suggested JW offer Sherlock lessons. Believe Hudson rooting for JW to break it off with new girlfriend and return attentions to Sherlock.
Suspect Hudson wants pictures of S/JW. Disturbing?
April 1, 2010
Minor incident today with a bomb. Sherlock and JW in hospital (do they thank me that they are not dead? No. Sherlock knows wasn’t saved at random). Sherlock pitched fit when placed in separate rooms. Had Sherlock moved in JW’s room. No thank you again. Ungrateful brat.
April 3, 2010
Sherlock sent flowers. Having them checked for toxins. Thank you for hospital rooming?
April 5, 2010
Hudson reports Sherlock and JW safely home. Listening device in returned skull is active. Did not tell Hudson; she prefers to listen at doors.
April 6, 2010
Tea with Hudson; delicious coffee cake. Still using old servants’ entrance despite lack of toxins in flowers on 3rd. Still suspect she wants pictures; asked about hidden cameras.
April 7, 2010
Mrs. Hudson’s report contained more details than desired.