Fic: RPS (Jared/Jensen): A Little Social Interaction | NC-17 | 2640 words.

May 30, 2010 00:02

Title: A Little Social Interaction
Author: dragonspell
Fandom: RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Pr0nz. Schmoop.
Summary: After spending long hours at a fan convention, Jared supposed that Jensen was entitled to a little bit of grumpy, antisocial time if that was what he needed. That didn't mean, however, that Jared wasn't going to try and cheer him up.
Word Count: 2640
Disclaimer: Never happened, no affiliation.

“You know, if you keep being an asshole in public people are going to find out.” Jensen didn’t bother to dignify that with an actual response, just grunted from his position on the bed and Jared sighed as he shut the door between their adjoining hotel rooms. Jensen was buried in a mound of white comforter, having stripped it off the bed to completely wrap around himself as he flipped disinterestedly through the channels on the TV. Jared knew that the cocoon of blanketing wasn’t because Jensen was cold but more because the antisocial bastard apparently needed an extra layer of protection between him and the outside world right now, that one locked door wasn’t enough for him.

In the end, however, Jared wasn’t surprised. He was already well aware of how Jensen tended to react at conventions. Just too many people, he supposed, so Jensen tended to revert to hermit mode after the panels and the appearances were done.

It was Sunday night, though, which meant that it was over and even Jared-who, as opposed to Jensen, liked the crowds and meeting new people-was kind of glad about it. He just felt kind of sorry for the trio of fans that had ambushed Jensen in the hallway that Jared had had to spend twenty minutes apologizing to after Jensen blew them off. In Jensen’s defense, though, he hadn’t freaked out like Jared had thought he was going to-just fake smiled and beat a hasty retreat to his hotel room.

Jared thought that the fans would understand. It was rather well known that Jensen wasn’t the biggest fan of crowds and he’d just spent nearly ten hours answering every question imaginable up to and including personal preferences on sex toys (Jared really wanted to know how that one snuck past the officials). So, yeah, Jared supposed that Jensen was entitled to a little bit of grumpy, antisocial bastard time if that was what he needed. “They’re fine, by the way,” Jared said and Jensen finally turned his head-the only part of him left uncovered-towards Jared.

“I’m sick of people.”

Jared nodded. “You want me to leave?” he asked, pointing back at the door. Sure, he really didn’t want to-he hadn’t had any time to spend alone with Jensen at all today and it would suck if Jensen wanted him to leave, but he’d understand.

Jensen snorted and flipped to another channel. “You don’t count.”

It startled a laugh out of Jared. “I don’t count as a person?” he asked, walking to the bed. He stopped right beside it, looming over Jensen. Jensen didn’t answer his question so Jared gave him a playful shove.

“No,” Jensen said grumpily. “Now fuck off.”

“You’re such an asshole,” Jared proclaimed and shoved Jensen backward on the bed and climbed on top.

“Damn it, Jared!” Jensen fumbled for the remote, more pissed off about losing it then Jared clambering on top of him.

Jared casually swatted the remote to the floor. “Oops,” he said, insincerity dripping, and Jensen glared.

“Get off me,” Jensen growled, trying to appear threatening but it just made Jared laugh because it came out as more of a pouty whine than anything.

Jared dropped to his elbows on the bed, flattening himself to Jensen who tried hard to keep up his glare but he couldn’t hide the half-hitch of his breath. “Why you gotta be so mean, Jen?” Jared teased. He smiled at Jensen who, despite his crankiness, was licking his lips in anticipation. “Should teach you to be nicer…” Jared dropped his head the few crucial inches to press his lips to Jensen’s. Jensen gasped into the kiss, opening his mouth and Jared gladly took advantage, slipping his tongue inside. He rocked his hips forward, rubbing his dick against Jensen’s stomach and Jensen, the slut, arched up into it. “Knew it,” Jared whispered, kissing Jensen again.

Jensen startled him with a shove, knocking him off balance. Jared caught himself on the edge of the bed and turned to glare at Jensen who was biting his bottom lip and giving Jared a look that could only be construed as a challenge, pure and simple. “You don’t know shit,” Jensen teased and like hell Jared could let that go.

Before Jensen could even think to move, Jared was on top of him again, pinning him down and growling, “You think so, do you?” He pulled Jensen’s hands above his head, holding them there as he bore down on him. Jensen whined, his hips rolling up to meet Jared’s and betraying him. Jared mouthed along Jensen’s jaw, sucking kissing into the skin.


“Yeah,” Jared said. “Yeah, sure, baby, anything…” He wasn’t quite aware of what he was saying, just that he felt a need to voice something and babbling because of it. Jensen grunted impatiently and yanked on his arms and Jared stared down at him for a few uncomprehending moments, lust-dazed, before he finally got it. Then he held Jensen there for a few seconds longer, just to prove he could before letting him go.

“Fuck,” Jensen said, wrapping his newly freed arms around Jared’s shoulders and leaning up to bury his nose in Jared’s neck. Jared shivered as Jensen slowly licked at the skin beneath his jaw like a lazy cat. He tilted his head away, giving Jensen more room and sighed happily as he slowly rocked his hips against Jensen’s body.

The hands on Jared’s shoulders tightened and Jensen whimpered as he shifted, moving his legs to spread them, making room for Jared’s body. Jared moved closer, aligning himself to Jensen and gently thrust in a way that would be perfect if they weren’t wearing any clothes. Jensen’s breath hitched and then his arm twitched and the world went dark.

Jared pulled back, blinking down at Jensen and trying to figure out what had just happened before he registered the heavy weight now covering him. Jensen waited patiently for him to put two and two together and Jared huffed a laugh, coming back down to catch Jensen in another kiss. His heart clenched in his chest because Jensen flipping the blanket over the both of them, allowing Jared to be part of his little cocoon, showed that it apparently wasn’t that he didn’t count in Jensen’s world. Instead, he was just already a part of it.

That didn’t mean, though, that he could pass this opportunity up. Even as his hands were readily pushing up Jensen’s shirt, tucking it up around his armpits, getting at the soft skin and hard muscle underneath he smirked down at Jensen. “Is this our bubble?” he asked.

Jensen dragged him down for another kiss, murmuring, “Shut up.” It was an order Jared was more than happy to obey, especially when Jensen shoved his hands down the back of Jared’s jeans. He leaned more into the kiss, pressing Jensen into the bed as he reluctantly moved one hand from feeling up Jensen’s body down to unsnap his own jeans, giving Jensen more room to do as he pleased. Jensen squirmed and arched, rubbing up against Jared, rolling his hips as he lightly bit down on Jared’s bottom lip, pulling on it.

Jared’s dick throbbed and he forced open his jeans, reaching inside to give himself a comforting squeeze. God damn… Jensen shoved Jared’s jeans down the rest of the way, humming in pleasure as he squeezed Jared’s ass. “Mmmph…” Jared moaned, letting his head drop as Jensen’s long fingers teasingly stroked down his crack and pressed against his hole, flirting with the idea. The comforter rustled above them as Jared shuddered and pushed his ass out, giving Jensen permission if he wanted it.

Jensen’s skin was soft and slick with sweat as Jared blindly skated his hands up over Jensen’s flat belly, his chest, his shoulders. It was getting hot underneath the covers with their combined body heat but Jared couldn’t find it in himself to care. He braced one elbow against the bed, hand moving to cup Jensen’s head, holding him at an angle to allow Jared to kiss him deeper while he moved the other hand back down to rest against Jensen’s chest. He rubbed his thumb over the raised nub of Jensen’s nipple, feeling the shudder run through the body below him. Liking the reaction, Jared repeated the motion, drawing a soft whine out of Jensen and, in reward for the noise, Jared turned his head to press kisses across the side of Jensen’s neck.

Jensen gasped and then his hand was moving away from teasing Jared and Jared groaned in disappointment. He flicked his eyes to Jensen’s face, wanting to plead for Jensen to continue but he couldn’t find the words as desire stabbed low in his belly. “Fuck,” Jared whispered, staring intently at Jensen, watching as Jensen’s plush lips wrapped around his fingers. Jensen hummed again, sucking on the digits in his mouth and Jared surged forward, his dick scraping against the rough fabric of Jensen’s jeans. “God, yes…”

Realizing that maybe it was time to lose a few more clothes and feeling the heat, Jared pushed himself up and wrestled his shirt over his head, discarding the sweaty fabric somewhere above them. Starting to pant and unable to control the little thrusts of his hips, he skimmed his hand back down Jensen’s body, unsnapping the top button of Jensen’s jeans. Jensen whined around his fingers, surging upwards and Jared pinned him down with a hand. “Easy, Jen. Easy, easy…” He shoved Jensen’s jeans down just past his hips, reaching in to push his underwear aside and grab his hard dick.

Jensen shuddered hard, rolling up and to the side. “Fuck,” he hissed, clenching his teeth. He struggled against Jared, pushing at him, trying to get some space and Jared sat up a little more, giving Jensen the room to squirm out of his jeans. Jensen pushed his clothes down around his knees and kicked one leg free before apparently deciding that was good enough and dragging Jared back down, his one bare leg wrapping behind Jared’s.

Trembling, Jared willingly fell back against Jensen, using one arm to keep himself just a few inches above smothering him as he licked at Jensen’s jaw. He kept a hand on Jensen’s dick, stroking it mindlessly. “God…” Jensen whispered and slid his now wet hand back between Jared’s legs. Jared moaned and spread as much as he was able with his jeans puddled around his knees, trying to give Jensen as much room as possible. Jensen’s spit-soaked fingers moved over Jared’s ass and the tip of one gently pressed inside. Jared shuddered, his breath exploding out of him. Fuck but it’d been awhile… He wiggled backward anxiously and Jensen gave him more, sliding in deeper. “So hot…” Jensen murmured turning his head to nip at Jared’s ear.

Jensen pressed in deeper still and he glided over the place that had Jared seeing stars. “Fuck!” Jared pitched himself forward, his leaking dick sliding over Jensen slick skin and Jensen mewled, lifting up again.

“God, Jay, yeah…” he whispered and wrapped his free hand around Jared’s dick. Jared shuddered under the dual assault-Jensen’s knowing hand clenched around his dick, his long fingers buried in Jared’s ass-panting and unable to catch his breath. His eyes squeezed shut and he bit his lip in an effort to not mark up Jensen like his instincts were screaming for. He tightened his grip on Jensen’s dick, stroking him.

Jensen bucked and writhed and then he was letting go of Jared’s cock and knocking Jared’s hand away from his own. His eyes fluttering open, Jared tried to grab a hold of Jensen again but Jensen didn’t give him the chance, instead dragging Jared’s hand up to his mouth. “Oh fuck…” Jared muttered as Jensen swallowed his fingers, soft lips closing over top as Jensen’s tongue licked out at the skin. Jensen was going to fucking kill him, that’s all there was to it. Jared bit down harder on his lip, trying desperately not to come as he watched Jensen suck on his hand.

When he was good and wet, Jensen shoved him back down and Jared automatically tried to wrap his newly slicked fingers around Jensen’s dick. He grunted in surprise, though, when Jensen shifted away and firmly shoved him down farther. Jared blinked, then groaned as he finally understood what Jensen wanted. “Gonna fuckin’ kill me…” Jensen moved his own fingers inside of Jared and Jared shuddered, quickly moving his hand where Jensen wanted it, pressing against him. They weren’t going to have much time, so he’d better just get on with it.

Jensen gasped as Jared pushed into him, his body opening sweet and hot around Jared and Jared’s dick throbbed in sympathy. He pressed his lips against the skin of Jensen’s throat, sucking a gentle kiss and trying hard not to leave any marks but at this point, he couldn’t make any promises-not with his fingers moving inside of Jensen’s warm and willing body while Jensen’s did the same to him. He shuddered and pressed upward, feeling the Jensen’s answering shiver.

“Ah!” Jensen turned his head against the bed, pressing the side of his face against the mattress. His free hand crept between them, going back to Jared’s dick and Jared groaned, thrusting forward into the welcoming touch. Then Jensen switched up the grip and Jared gave up all pretenses that he was going to be able to make this last.

Jensen’s hand pressed their dicks together, creating a tight circle for Jared to thrust into as Jensen pushed upwards, moving against Jared. Jensen’s fingers pressed against Jared’s prostate again whined as he felt his balls draw in tight. Too damn soon… “Fuck,” he hissed against Jensen neck, and his hips stuttered forward as he came, body shaking as he spilled onto Jensen.

Jensen squirmed, his breath hitching as his thrusts upward became quicker and rougher. “Mmm!” Jensen’s fingers slipped out of Jared, leaving him feeling empty as Jensen clutched Jared’s hip, holding him steady as he rocked up against him. Knowing how close Jensen had to be, Jared shivered through the aftershocks, shaking them off as he licked his lips and forced his eyes open. He wanted to see Jensen come apart underneath him, wanted to see Jensen lose control. He was just barely keeping himself from fully collapsing on top of Jensen, his muscles trembling as he watched Jensen buck, riding the pleasure. Jared twisted his fingers inside of Jensen and with a harsh gasp, Jensen came, biting his lip as he arched upward.

With one last jerk, Jensen collapsed back against the bed, panting and Jared smiled down at him. “Feel better?” he asked, running his fingers over Jensen’s collar bone. Jensen sighed and punched him the shoulder. It was a weak shot, just barely there and Jared laughed. “Guess not.”

Jensen grunted. “Shut the fuck up.” He turned onto his side and curled up, obviously ready to fall asleep but yet not kicking Jared out.

Jared smiled, his heart giving a little ecstatic jump at being allowed to stay, and he pressed a soft kiss to Jensen’s upper arm. “Antisocial bastard…” he murmured indulgently and Jensen hummed softly in reply. Jared shifted positions, moving to lie beside Jensen and finally pushed the comforter down, letting in some welcome fresh air to deal with the heat and the stale scent of sex. He breathed deeply before he scooted behind Jensen, aligning his body with Jensen’s slightly smaller one. He wrapped his arms around Jensen’s middle, dragging his limp body back against Jared’s chest and sighed happily. Life was pretty damn good at the moment.

“Feel better?” Jensen muttered, already half asleep.

Jared smiled harder and buried his face against Jensen’s neck. “Shut the fuck up.”

fic:all, j2, supernatural, fic:rps

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