"I fucking adore it, that's all."

Jul 30, 2006 19:02

Yes, it's mine. Who knew this was coming? All of you?

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Comments 13

spidersilken_ai July 30 2006, 23:19:09 UTC
I love that song!! I've been wanting to use it for an Ron/Hermione shippy video, but haven't gotten around to it, yet. But, your Reno video is kick-ass...plus, I can dance around the living room all by myself to the song! LOL!

~plays it again~

And you got videos working in your posts!! Awesomeness!!




dragons_f_wolf July 31 2006, 00:03:13 UTC
Yeah, finally it worked after 10 minutes of trying to figure it out. lol I'm happy you like it. Stephen King writes for his IR (Ideal Reader), which is Tabby. I make videos for my IW (Ideal Watcher), which is you. **hugs**

The only thing is that it can so easily be seen as a slash video. But then, Reno and Rude have hardly any screentime apart, so that can't be helped.


spidersilken_ai July 31 2006, 02:32:48 UTC
I love all your videos and you so much!

~tight huggles~

Yeah, I caught the slash vibe in it, hehe. But, I don't mind a 'lil accidental slash now and then. Oh and your Reno 911 icon rocks! XD!!

Well, since I finished the little mini- Wizard of Oz fan-fic and I'm very tired from not sleeping last night I think I'll head off to bed after I finish a load of laundry. ^_^

Goodnight and sweet Reno and Snape dreams!



dragons_f_wolf July 31 2006, 04:22:38 UTC
Damn, I was going to call you. When would be a good time tomorrow? I have something to cry on your shoulder about. Well, actually I'm laughing about it, but I'm still very hurt and scared. Yes, it's the same thing I told you about before, but much worse this time.


pariswriter82 August 7 2006, 03:13:08 UTC
Wanna compare videos? Here's my Reno-centric one...



dragons_f_wolf August 7 2006, 03:18:31 UTC
I didn't realize that was yours! I found it a week or so ago. My son and I both love it. For different reasons, of course. lol He dances around the bedroom whenever I play it.


pariswriter82 August 7 2006, 03:33:42 UTC
lol.... yep, that's mine. There's two others I've done with stuff from AC, but they won't upload right for some reason.


dragons_f_wolf August 7 2006, 03:28:44 UTC
Mind if I add you to my flist? I don't know many other Reno fans. :) Besides, I'm already hooked on your story. lol

I have 2 other Advent Children videos. One Reno, one general, though Reno is in it.




sindacirwen January 10 2007, 15:34:21 UTC
Awww... I love it! Totally wicked ^^

Yay for Reno :p



dragons_f_wolf January 10 2007, 22:40:32 UTC
Thank you. I have a lot of Advent Children videos. I added you to my friend list so you can see the different posts. XD


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