
Jan 31, 2006 16:59

Found this today on a Sai King community.

How, I ask you, HOW could they leave out the first line of The Dark Tower series ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

spidersilken_ai January 31 2006, 22:55:28 UTC
Or even that one line that we love so well...



dragons_f_wolf February 1 2006, 01:36:17 UTC
..."We are round, and roll as we do."

No one has the gift of making such simple words unforgetable as Sai King.

(After Roland and Jake were reunited)
The boy looked up at the gunslinger. Neither of them smiled.
"Hile, Jake." Roland said.
"Hile, Father."
"Will you call me so?"
Jake nodded. "Yes, if I may."
"Such would please me ever," Roland said. Then, slowly--as one performs an action with which he's unfamiliar--he held out his arms. Looking up at him solemnly, never taking his eyes from Roland's face, the boy Jake moved between those killer's hands and waited until they locked at his back. He had had dreams of this he would never have dared to tell.


spidersilken_ai February 1 2006, 07:25:46 UTC
~completely melts~



spidersilken_ai February 1 2006, 12:04:00 UTC
Ah, first best lines...


How about:

It is so appropraite to color hope yellow, like that sun we seldom saw.

~ Virginia Cleo Andrews, Flowers in the Attic

I don't care what Guinevere and Gawain say; this won't be Mordred's Life of Arthur, but Mordred's Life of Mordred. Fuck them; They can chronicle my sanctimonious progenitor's exploits if they've got the stomach for it.

~ Mordred's Curse, Ian McDowell

"Anne is my best friend"
There. I said it.
"Anne is my best friend." I say that in the present tense because I don't like to think of her as gone. Instead, I think of her as...away.
Off someplace where I can't talk to her everyday like I used to.
After Anne...left, I thought I had two options;
One. Go crazy.
Two. Die of lonliness.
In turned out there was a third option I hadn't imagined. But then, that's my story.
Our story.

~ After Anne, Roxanne Henke

And I'll let you guess this one! ~grins~

The two things Sarah remembered about that night later were his run of luck at the Wheel of Fortune and the mask. Bust as ( ... )


ariadne1 April 7 2006, 22:22:51 UTC
Yeah, what's up with Lolita? Well written book, but the first line? Please.

I read the list with bated breath until I found Beloved and A Farewell to Arms. Then I breathed more easily.

Seems to me they could've done better with "In the beginning..." than friggin' Lolita. Bit of an oversight, what? :)

Thanks for making that video, and sharing this link! Cheers!


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