Pandora's Box

Jan 13, 2017 09:25

Pandora's Box
Word count: 8100
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Gen - Mary, Castiel, Sam, Dean, Ben
Warning: spoilers for season 12, mild language, references to offscreen Dean/Lisa and Sam/Becky

Summary: It only took one simple text to open Pandora's Box.

There's a series of books called Supernatural.

A/N - I have been trying to post here for 45 minutes and !@#$%^&* LJ tells me that a post with five letters in it is too large. I'm giving up for the moment. Please read it on AO3. I may try LJ again later.

mary winchester, genre: gen, castiel, dean winchester, ben braeden, s12, sam winchester

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