Sep 03, 2012 09:10

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Comments 252

CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE LINES FOR PANELS? greycoupon September 3 2012, 21:51:01 UTC
That hour rule is great on paper but doesn't work in reality.

The line people, (who is that? tech ops? security?) at the Marriott were always nice and helpful. The Hyatt on the other hand... I witnessed a near stampede before one of the BSG panels. They kept telling everyone you could not line up any earlier then 45 MINUTES before a scheduled panel. Not the previously mentioned hour.

Then a good 10 minutes early they start yelling and pointing "the line forms here". Then "please don't run!"

Mad props to disability services for handling that line. It was my first time using it and they were very helpful. Even if it was more messy at the Hyatt.


ornerybitch September 4 2012, 00:22:48 UTC
I only went to one panel with a huge line and that was the Venture Brothers panel. The volunteers kept angrily telling the people who asked that the line wouldn't start until 1:30 so come back at that time, which just resulted in a mob of people hovering around the room until the okay to lineup was given. Since the room was connected to the Atrium of the Marriott, the Venture mob merged with the usual Atrium mob and formed an ultra mob of confused people.

This was my first year back to con since 2009 and the Venture panel lineup that year was handled well from what I experienced. I don't know if the issue with it this year was that area already had huge crowds milling about or poor organization from the staff in charge of the area. Probably a mix of both. I understand why the con wants to limit how early you can line up, and I agree with the idea, however with the Venture panel it led to unsafe levels of crowding.


ninepointfivemm September 4 2012, 03:50:10 UTC
The Venture panel also had a crazy huge line this year, along the lines of maybe Firefly. :/


ornerybitch September 4 2012, 14:08:19 UTC
Yeah we got stuck in it, sort of in the middle area which was outside winding around the building. We also got stuck in the mob that congealed once they finally let people start to line up. It was crazy this year. Last time I went to a Venture panel it was in the Hyatt and people could line up against the walls and keep out of the way. This time it was in a really awkward area.


A wonderful time! hadiwist September 4 2012, 01:02:23 UTC
I have to say this was a great year - I had a better time than last year. We had a great selection of panels and speakers, great costumes, and great shopping! I loved the dragoncon app as well. I'd like to call out the Costuming panel, NSFWSHow, Gonzoroo II, and John Barrowman as highlights for me ( ... )


irishbuddha September 4 2012, 16:01:27 UTC
The Hyatt line changes came from the Hyatt itself. The "line people" can do what they think is best but if the Hotel itself says changes it, it has to be changed - for better or worse.


ornerybitch September 4 2012, 01:21:59 UTC
I want to preface this by saying overall I had a fantastic time this year. I love DragonCon and coming home is always sad after being at a giant nerd party for 3 days. Most of the staff I dealt with were incredibly patient and friendly, the panels and events I made it to were fantastic, and overall I had a wonderful weekend. However, I did have two gripes and I'm sure the poor staff are tired of hearing about at least one if not both of them ( ... )


tangerine_milk September 4 2012, 02:02:41 UTC
First of all, someone above mentioned lines and I noticed a huge problem with lines, too. On Friday, my friends and I went to hang around and wait for the dealers hall downstairs in the Marriott to open. We were told by staff exactly where to stand and were told that we were first in line. However, a different staff member began forming a second line in the opposite direction. The two long lines began getting antsy, so I went up to ask staff what was going on. They were kinda like "oops sorry didn't mean to make two lines, just kinda merge the two when the time comes" and I was like "uhhhh... okay?" I was predicting a really awful stampede. Then the doors opened, and SURPRISE - I was right. Stampede from hell - two lines fighting to get into the dealers hall first. I think this was probably a failure of staff members to communicate, and then when I tried to get them to help solve the problem they had a very "oh well sorry" attitude. I think they thought that it wasn't going to be a problem, but in the end it certainly was ( ... )


swell September 4 2012, 05:59:18 UTC
Yes, agreed on the badge checks at the sky bridges- how many sneak from one hotel to the other?- yet there was no badge check at the bridge from the mall. Anyone could have walked in.


crazeyal September 6 2012, 18:10:08 UTC
Whenever I saw a bottleneck, I simply walked around. Went into the mall and over. Or I dared the heat and walked across the parking sidewalk. I know the air conditioning in the habitrails is a god send.. but they are only a few years old. I am used to walking outside.


a_tender_kiss September 4 2012, 02:51:27 UTC
I believe everything this year was handled beautifully, much better than last year. Yes there were horrible lines, but there is nothing Dragon*Con Staff can do about that at the time. Hopefully they can work on expanding for next year?

One tiny complaint I have is that some of the staff working in specific hotels don't seem to know what is going on in said hotel. It would be helpful if they did know what was going on, since we look to them for some sort of guidance.

Thank you for another great year, you've convince my boyfriend to join me in 2013!


irishbuddha September 4 2012, 16:11:26 UTC
In theory I agree that Staffers should know where all the event rooms are in the hotel.... HOWEVER I also agree that EVERYONE should also carry their Pocket Guide or use the app as well. The Staffers can't know everything. The Staffer may not know that Steven Moffat's Sherlock panel was running. However, if you gave them the room name (Marriott A601/602) they most definitely should have been able to direct you.


ickletarakins September 5 2012, 16:39:44 UTC
totally agree. I asked several hotel staff and D*C staff where things were and I would say that at least 40% of the time their answers were "I don't know". And most of those times I was asking a Hyatt person where a Hyatt room was! This was my first D*C and by the end of the weekend I think I knew the Hyatt and Marriott better than half the people who work at either of those hotels, heh


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