FIC: Answers Over Ice Cream 1/1 (PG)

Jul 04, 2011 22:43

Fandom: DC Comics (Birds of Prey)
Title: Answers over Ice Cream
Author: dragonbat2006
Words: 1242
Rating: PG
Characters: Barbara Gordon, Helena Bertinelli
Pairings: Genfic
Summary: Barbara asks Helena for an assessment of one of her most recent comrades-in-arms
Warnings/Spoilers: None

Thanks to Debbie and Kathy for the beta!

Riesling Pear ice cream is a ( Read more... )

birds of prey, fanfiction, auctions

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Comments 6

zolac_no_miko July 5 2011, 16:25:05 UTC
:DDDD This was fantastic! Great job with the lady capes. I loved the dialogue.

...Why aren't I reading Birds of Prey? I should read Birds of Prey.


dragonbat2006 July 5 2011, 16:44:43 UTC
*Blush* Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed!


Thanks mrswoman July 5 2011, 19:21:35 UTC
Oh, I love it - THANK-YOU so much :)

When I offered my bid for your writing - I confess, after never reading anything of yours before - I never dreamt you could write something that would satisfy me so much *g* The friendship you have written between my two favourite DC ladies is just so believable AND to include Helena's relationship with Renee too, just wonderful.

I love the banter; I love that Barbara trusts to Helena's opinion; I love that you have written the 'snark' between them but that it is now just 'water under the bridge'; I love that they are so comfortable together that Babs shares her delicious ice-cream; but, most of all, I love that you wrote this for me :D

As we say on my side of the pond, SMASHING!

(Would it be okay if I link back to here through my own lj?)


Re: Thanks dragonbat2006 July 5 2011, 21:33:14 UTC
I am so glad! (And blushing furiously at the moment...) TBH, I haven't written a lot of Huntress-focused fic in the past, so I was a little worried about the final result. So happy you like!

And yes, link by all means!


whipsy July 6 2011, 16:45:11 UTC
This is great! I love these quiet moments in between all the action in their lives and even more so because they spend the time talking about Renee! ;)

Lovely work! =D


mammothluv July 7 2011, 19:15:30 UTC
This was great! I love seeing a little quiet time between Babs and Helena and I love even more that they spend that time talking about Renee.


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