Dragon Age II, Part 10: Permanently Frozen

Jan 01, 2012 12:00

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M!Hawke/Fenris, virginity anonymous January 27 2012, 03:42:50 UTC
I've seen a lot of prompts where Danarius or Hadriana abused Fenris sexually, and because I'm contrary it made me want the opposite. Fenris' old masters were totally uninterested in Fenris except as a weapon, maybe even found the idea of being attracted to someone with those lyrium markings a bit weird or laughable. Fenris was forbidden to speak to the other slaves (who must have known who he was before) and everyone was terrified of him anyway. Plus with Fenris' memories gone... well, as far as he knows, he's never had sex.

So that night with Hawke is his first time. Does he tell Hawke? Does he not want to say anything but Hawke figures it out anyway? I'd love to see Hawke making it really good for him. Bonus points for Hawke bottoming (my favourite thing with these two!)


Re: M!Hawke/Fenris, virginity anonymous January 27 2012, 09:03:31 UTC


Re: M!Hawke/Fenris, virginity anonymous January 27 2012, 13:53:32 UTC


Re: M!Hawke/Fenris, virginity anonymous January 29 2012, 10:28:46 UTC
Seconded. Because wow that's so part of my headcanon.


Re: M!Hawke/Fenris, virginity anonymous January 30 2012, 22:09:47 UTC
Fourthing? Fifthing? I don't even know, but this needs to happen!


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Re: The Rest Of His Armor (4/4) anonymous February 19 2012, 18:15:50 UTC
*points to the meme rules*

All posts made in this meme except those from the mod have to be made anonymously. You can still link your AO3, but you have to do it from an anon post.


The Rest Of His Armor (on AO3) anonymous February 19 2012, 18:48:40 UTC
Whoops, I'm really sorry to post-and-delete, OP, but I totally missed that this meme only allows anon posting. The fill is here on the AO3 if you want it!



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