Dragon Age: Origins/Awakening, Part 5: Permanently Frozen

Dec 15, 2010 12:00

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Anora/F!Warden anonymous August 12 2012, 17:59:42 UTC
Preferably f!Tabris or f!Mahariel, Anora getting into a complex, convoluted relationship with the infuriating Commander of the Grey. Bonus for dirty letters flying back and forth from Denerim to Amaranthine.


Re: Anora/F!Warden anonymous August 19 2012, 20:25:50 UTC
Ooo, eeenteresting. *ponders*


Negotiations (1) anonymous August 26 2012, 17:55:21 UTC
Maker, no. Not Ser Cauthrien.

Her father’s captain stood between them and the exit, demanding that the Wardens surrender. Anora waited with white knuckles, willing the tiny dark elven woman not to say anything stupid.

“Never again shall we submit,” the Warden gritted, fitting an arrow to her bowstring and drawing with one fluid motion.

Cauthrien’s archers lifted their bows; Erlina screamed. Anora gave her a shove toward the door. “Go! Go, go!” The Wardens had come to rescue her, after all. The least she could do was try to avoid getting captured again.

-----------“You ran away!” Mahariel poked the queen’s breastbone in accusation; Anora, looking positively affronted, stepped back. “We risked our lives on your behalf, and you ran away ( ... )


Re: Negotiations (2) anonymous August 26 2012, 17:56:09 UTC
The eastern horizon was red, not from a coming dawn - the sun had only just set - but from the fires of the horde. The men of Ferelden stared uneasily toward it as they stood their pickets, knowing their countrymen were burning, knowing that they could march no farther today, not and be in any shape to fight. But tomorrow - tomorrow, they would reach its gates ( ... )


Re: Negotiations (3) anonymous August 26 2012, 17:56:54 UTC
Anora stood by the pyre as so many filed by to give their last respects. Mahariel stayed, too, until the very end. When the cathedral door closed behind the last of the companions, the profound silence seemed to call for some words to fill it up. “It is a great loss for Ferelden.”

And Mahariel whipped around, tears in her eyes. “Say nothing! You did not know him.” Her face turned ugly with grief and anger. “What was he to you? A would-be usurper, who called for your father’s death. Are you not pleased with this?”

“It gives me no joy,” Anora said coldly.

“Nor sorrow either,” the elf spat, shoving the queen aside and storming out of the Chantry.

-----------Mahariel looked down at the map, up at Anora. “Is this a bad joke ( ... )


Re: Negotiations (4) anonymous August 26 2012, 17:57:38 UTC
Mahariel scowled, hardly able to believe that the queen asked this of her, in court and in front of others. Perhaps she thought it would make her more likely to agree?

Her mistake.

She shrugged and shook her head. “No. Won’t do it.”

The courtiers all murmured in surprise; Anora didn’t seem to have anticipated that, either. “Warden... that is, Warden-Commander, it is my intention to give Amaranthine to your Order. Someone must administer it. As the ranking officer...”

“We can bring in someone from Orlais,” she said.

Another murmur, a little darker. “May I ask why you refuse the position? Is it... something cultural? Perhaps we can arrange for adequate accommodations ( ... )


Re: Negotiations (5/5) anonymous August 26 2012, 17:58:24 UTC
“Are you, in fact, insane?” Of all the problems Anora had foreseen her newest arl might have, she had not considered that Mahariel would be busy creating some additional ones. Certainly not ones that would have the Revered Mother ranting at her in Denerim and sending her flying up the Pilgrim’s Path to the Vigil to sort things out.

“I am Dalish,” the Warden-Commander glowered. “I will not forego the rites of my people.”

“And I could accept that,” Anora nodded. “I might prefer if you could have them privately but you are the arl. Why did you drag the Vigil’s elven staff into it ( ... )


Re: Negotiations (5/5) anonymous August 26 2012, 18:23:26 UTC
*catches breath*
Oh my....
Non-OP loves this!


Re: Negotiations (5/5) anonymous August 27 2012, 13:51:38 UTC
OP could not be happier! Wonderful story, sweet and rough and lovely.


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