Dragon Age II, Part 9: Permanently Frozen

Dec 01, 2011 12:00

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SANCTUM AND HEALING (48b/?) anonymous December 4 2011, 22:15:48 UTC
There was no reason not to do it and nothing else to do. Anders imagined that was what ghosts must feel like: retracing their steps, unable to peek out and say hello without frightening any current inhabitants. He wasn’t the sort who appreciated fresh air and long walks and nature to clear his head; he appreciated the walls around Wildervale more as much as they trapped him within the city, with a statue and only a bare few people who knew who he was-less than they knew who he wasn’t. And there was also a man, practically a stranger, who expected him to be someone else ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (57/?) anonymous December 6 2011, 22:08:36 UTC
Hawke needed this. It wasn’t just a selfish action-spurred by Anders’s petty desires and even pettier loneliness, his need to feel something in this unfamiliar place, a world that wasn’t his ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (58/?) anonymous December 6 2011, 22:10:04 UTC
If he squeezed his hands together hard enough, Anders could pretend this was just one more interruption, the same embarrassed pleasure as ever-caught in the act behind the most boring section of the Circle’s library, everyone deciding to look the other way, no one deciding to look at one another. He could pretend the sheepishness he felt was the sole reason for the heat on his cheeks and flushing his throat, hot beneath the collar and the feathers, red as beet-dye on laundry-day ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (58b/?) anonymous December 6 2011, 22:20:41 UTC
He might have stopped someone else, but Anders had managed to suck the energy out of him after trying to stuff it all back in. He’d missed an opening somewhere, a tear in the fabric of everything, a good fissure or a better crack. Like in a festering wound, that sort of fever turned deadly fast-and if a man wasn’t careful, he spent more than he saved.

It was the story of Anders’s life. At least was his life, and not someone else’s-a different story with a champion of green gases, house dwarves and clinics and buried fortunes, a grand bed with a grand canopy drawn tight to protect its owner’s privacy.

Hawke still hadn’t turned around by the time Anders slipped out, nearly dropping half of Varric’s oeuvre in an attempt to shut the door behind him. He saw the back of Hawke’s head crowned black and gray and the swell of his shoulders as he breathed ( ... )


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (58b/?) anonymous December 7 2011, 00:17:25 UTC
This is amazing. You are amazing.


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (58b/?) anonymous December 7 2011, 01:36:47 UTC
Your Hawke is just breaking my heart in this-I almost yelled "Anders-shut up!" when he went and spoiled their moment. Except I was reading it on my phone at work, so I just whimpered a little.

So...so good.


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (58b/?) anonymous December 7 2011, 06:05:25 UTC
Hawke and Anders finally started talking! Maker, that was beautiful♥.


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (58b/?) anonymous December 7 2011, 19:51:49 UTC
This... This is so great!


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (58b/?) anonymous December 7 2011, 22:59:14 UTC
Finally, enough time to read this story, carefully stashed away in my notification folder like a treasure - and it is a treasure. Parts 1-58 all in one go, and I'm so enchanted with this world, with this Anders, with all of it. Never apologize for how long your updates are, dear A!A - 'too long' could never apply to any of your writing.


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (58b/?) anonymous December 8 2011, 02:56:07 UTC
You are a gift to the meme, A!A. I'm so enthralled by everything you write because damn, I can't get enough of it. This particular piece now has a very special place in my heart. <33


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (58b/?) anonymous December 8 2011, 05:50:41 UTC
This is one heck of a masterpiece. I love everything in it - the characters, the style, the story. And Anders is like a small ray of light in this dark world. I wish I was patient enough to wait until the whole story is published... But I can't resist!


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (58b/?) anonymous December 8 2011, 17:46:28 UTC
The build up to that kiss is just as intense as the kiss itself. Whew! It feels like Hawke's just now warming up to this new Anders and I LOVED seeing the possessive side of Anders surfacing through. Makes me giddy.


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (58b/?) anonymous December 8 2011, 19:21:14 UTC
So every chapter is better then the last and you've got me waiting with bated breath for every update. My heart hurt so much for Hawke - to have Anders (but not his Anders) in his arms again and the way you described it like he was a man coming back to life...tragic and beautiful.

Poor Anders facing expectations and memories created by himself - who feels like a totally different person. Oh boy. Could they please maybe stop thinking so much and just take some comfort in each other anyway?


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (58b/?) anonymous December 8 2011, 20:57:53 UTC
Suddenly everything has become meta and it's amazing. And then when things shifted from being meta to HOT I was drooling. Then I started weeping for Hawke since everything has to suck for him doesn't it?


SANCTUM AND HEALING (59/?) anonymous December 8 2011, 22:00:40 UTC
As always and before anything else: thank you guys so, so much. You have made the cold and rainy days seem that much brighter. The comments have meant so much and I am so relieved and so happy you're enjoying it still. It's...still long, and still getting longer, and knowing you are reading is making this winter seem a little less cold. ♥ Thank you! I hope the next part pleases, as always, and I will be crossing my fingers once I've posted that it does! ♥


Varric was stoking the fire when Anders came in. ‘Uh-oh,’ he said.

‘How did you do that?’ Anders asked, unburdening himself at last, Varric’s heavy volumes set in an uneven stack on one of his dwarven sitting tables. ‘I didn’t even say anything! I’m just here to return your books. Nothing happened, but even if it did, there’s no way you could know about it.’

‘Oh, Blondie.’ Varric shook his head. ‘Even if I was bluffing, you just told me everything I needed to hear. This is why you’re no good at ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (60/?) anonymous December 8 2011, 22:01:29 UTC
‘Everyone loves a tragedy,’ Varric replied. ‘And the sad stories are some of my most popular works.’ He dropped into a comfortable-looking chair, with leather cushions and broad, wooden arms. Fingers steepled beneath his chin, he fixed Anders with a look that pierced like a bolt from Bianca herself, the sort of act Varric might consider cheating. ‘Lucky me, I just so happen to have a surplus of them. …So it was that bad, huh?’

‘No.’ Anders plucked at a stray thread in the worn cushion beneath him. There was a little bit of fluff poking out from the sofa’s side, the hole growing wider by increments whenever Anders tugged it. ‘Quite the contrary. The good things are always the bad things, and the best things are always the worst. Tell me, Varric-why is it that the people you shouldn’t kiss are, without fail, the ones who just happen to be brilliant at it? Does that seem fair to you?’

‘If you’re looking for fair, you aren’t going to find much to satisfy you here,’ Varric said. ‘Just an observation from an old storyteller. And if you’ve ( ... )


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