Dragon Age II, Part 9: Permanently Frozen

Dec 01, 2011 12:00

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SANCTUM AND HEALING (1/?) anonymous November 26 2011, 21:58:25 UTC
The amount of nervousness I am feeling at the moment cannot be expressed, so I will simply say thank you for the prompt, OP, and I hope that this suits! It has been a long, long while since I have filled a prompt on here, and I just hope that it pleases you, and that it does not get too long! (Though I can make no promises.) ♥ I sincerely hope that you enjoy!There were too many tentacles in the depths of Kal’Hirol ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (40/?) anonymous December 4 2011, 22:04:34 UTC
Anders reminded himself to tread carefully while Varric left his side and headed for the door.

‘That, and I’m just hospitable,’ he said. ‘Maybe a little self-centered on top of that. Set in my ways. I like to do things the way we used to do ‘em, and if that means everybody gathering around my hearth and spilling on one of my best rugs from Orzammar…’

‘More of your stories?’ Anders trotted after him, staff clutched in his hand. When Varric looked up and down the hallway, Anders stared down at his boots and the stones on the floor, hiding the bottom half of his face with his collar. ‘That better?’

‘Oh, sure,’ Varric said, leading the way. ‘You don’t look suspicious at all like that ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (41/?) anonymous December 4 2011, 22:05:34 UTC
‘Is that so?’ Hawke asked. He hadn’t moved since overturning his cup, either to acknowledge Keran kneeling at his feet or the muddy drink now pooling amidst his eggs. He looked as though he’d been struck by an apprentice’s wayward shackling hex, though there were no glimmers of arcane light just beyond the window and no dark cut of staves being swept through the air ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (42/?) anonymous December 4 2011, 22:06:44 UTC
‘It’s-’ Feynriel began, then caught himself, ‘-he’s not anything as far as I can tell. Not anything other than himself, anyway. He’s not a shade, or a familiar, or a construct. He’s just…Anders ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (43/?) anonymous December 4 2011, 22:08:10 UTC
The bacon stuck when he tried to swallow; it was something to fill him up, to stand between him and the others, and it did its job on the most superficial of levels. Also, it made Anders want to burp ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (44/?) anonymous December 4 2011, 22:09:13 UTC
Sometimes there was nothing else to do but eat what was in front of you to pass the time-and it was better that way than the alternative, with only roots to fill your empty belly and the sound of templars’ approaching bootfalls in the distance.

The growling of Anders’s stomach had given him away on two separate occasions.

‘This?’ Varric braced Bianca sideways on his lap, thumb running over the gleaming wood and glistening metal in a way that could only be termed affectionate. ‘Nah. This is nothing, Blondie. I once lost Hawke for three whole days down near Ostwick. Said he needed to sort things out and poof-just like a rogue, he was gone.’

‘‘Poof?’’ Anders asked, dubiously. ‘He doesn’t really seem like the sort to poof. Glower intensely-now that’s a story I can believe.’

‘You wouldn’t know it to look at him, but Hawke can slip away as easy as a shade if you turn your back on the guy,’ Varric said. ‘He might be big, but don’t let his appearance fool you. He’s downright sneaky.Anders did his best to imagine a man like Hawke-thick ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (45/?) anonymous December 4 2011, 22:09:58 UTC
‘I suppose you think that I blew up this chantry-and then what?’ Anders didn’t pause for a response. ‘Went waltzing through a blood magic time portal that restored my lost youth, making me charming and beautiful again instead of old and miserable? It’s a neat idea, Varric, but since you aren’t a somniari, I’m afraid you’ll have to get up a lot earlier in the morning to pull one over on meAnders lost momentum as his gaze passed to Varric’s wide bed, a few ornamental pillows scattered over the neatly-made coverlet. Varric had bothered to tuck the corners in and everything, like no other dwarf in Thedas when it came to being fastidious, but there was one pillow that stood out amongst the rest, something old nestled in between the new. It had a tattered corner and pulled thread and not enough stuffing, cotton mostly-deflated from age and wear over the long years ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (46/?) anonymous December 4 2011, 22:11:22 UTC
Anders pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and his forefinger. Not enough elfroot scent remained on his fingertips from the last potion he’d used-an accidental skirmish in Kal’Hirol, one of those annoyances that almost seemed petty now-and all he could smell was bacon, his sweat, his skin.

If Varric was trying to remind him what true madness was, he’d succeeded. Well played, Anders thought, but both of them shared a look that seemed to imply they thought otherwise ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (47/?) anonymous December 4 2011, 22:12:28 UTC
Anders could imagine the place where the Blackmarsh connected to the Pilgrim’s Path or the Feravel Plains met the Knotwood Hills, but there was no real proof, nothing to join their point of origin to their final destination, the paths and borders people needed in order to understand how one place fit into the next ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (48/?) anonymous December 4 2011, 22:13:27 UTC
‘Don’t ask me for details.’ Varric laced his fingers together over his belly. He was kind to pretend Anders hadn’t just embarrassed himself out loud. ‘Hawke’s not the sort to kiss and tell. But by that token, I guess you can tell there was some kissing going on. If only because Hawke wasn’t telling, and those silences could fill just as many books as I have.’

‘Now that would be something,’ Anders murmured. ‘Selling empty books to people. What a business venture, Varric, but are you certain it would catch on?’

‘Isabela wanted to know, believe me,’ Varric continued. ‘The number of times she asked-the number of times she showed up at Hawke’s place unexpected, dropping by for a visit and picking the locks when nobody answered the door-maybe there’s something more she knew that she didn’t let on. We believed in romance, you see, just…didn’t believe in preserving it the same way. And-thanks to Hawke-I had to make so much shit up there’s no way to sort fact from fiction now ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (48b/?) anonymous December 4 2011, 22:15:48 UTC
There was no reason not to do it and nothing else to do. Anders imagined that was what ghosts must feel like: retracing their steps, unable to peek out and say hello without frightening any current inhabitants. He wasn’t the sort who appreciated fresh air and long walks and nature to clear his head; he appreciated the walls around Wildervale more as much as they trapped him within the city, with a statue and only a bare few people who knew who he was-less than they knew who he wasn’t. And there was also a man, practically a stranger, who expected him to be someone else ( ... )


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (48b/?) anonymous December 4 2011, 22:47:19 UTC
This is so good I can hardly pick out what part I like best-but I am partial to the line about Varric secretly being the unstable one. ;-)

I'm just so curious to see how this plays out between Hawke and Anders. I love all your AU's, but this one is really catching at me. The idea of losing your lover, only to have them show up years later as a younger version of themself? That's...a pretty heavy load.


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (48b/?) anonymous December 5 2011, 01:41:24 UTC
This fic is so wonderful. I want to give you all my awkward compliments. I think you are amazing!


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (48b/?) anonymous December 5 2011, 15:47:12 UTC
LJ ate my last post so I really apologize if this is super long! First - I love all your work and have read everything you've posted over at AO3. Please continue writing awesome stories and AU's because I just can't get enough of them ( ... )


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (48b/?) anonymous December 6 2011, 08:07:11 UTC
Hawke's depressing the hell out of me. He's reducing me into such a blubbering mess that I can't help but cry my heart out for him and his anguish :'(

Never apologize for the length, A!A. The longer the better (for me, anyway)!


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (48b/?) anonymous December 6 2011, 10:39:30 UTC
Every update just gets better and better.

The running theme seems to be... forced acceptance? Realizations? Revelations? Hawke pretty much has to come to terms with the fact that this is Anders, perhaps not precisely HIS Anders, but god the turmoil he must be going through having Anders back.

And then Anders and the pillow scene. I nearly broke down and started crying over the description of the pillow. It was just such a poignant scene. Oh a!a, you are just a brilliant writer.


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