Dragon Age II, Part 6: Permanently Frozen

Sep 01, 2011 12:00

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LEX LOCI (1/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 20:47:10 UTC
All right, OP! I hope this hasn't deviated too much from your original idea, which I loved then and love now, and that this fits what you were looking for. Still not entirely sure where it's headed, hoping to get into the nitty-gritty of alienage life in an interesting way... And of course the Fenris/Anders implications will hopefully be enjoyable as well! ♥ I will keep my fingers crossed, save for when I am typing in recaptchas, and um... Yes! I really hope you enjoy, OP (and non-OP)! And that it doesn't get too long, but sadly, I can make no promises there...


I.Athenril was in a sour mood ( ... )


LEX LOCI (2/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 20:48:46 UTC
‘…But,’ Athenril continued, as they’d both known she would, ‘just because it seems simple doesn’t mean it will be. You know that. I know that. Anyone worth anything in this blighted city knows it. The easier it looks, the worse it’s gonna be. That’s Kirkwall for you, and I’m not taking any chances. I just need some surveillance-surveillance that doesn’t get distracted by the first well-endowed Fereldan to walk by showing too much up-top. The place is crawling with pests. Carta, Coterie, templars: you name it. And don’t ask me why a hole in the wall free clinic in Darktown means so much to these idiots. If I wasted my time with all the whys I’ve got, I’d be rotting in a ditch instead of talking to you. Remarkable how similar those two feel sometimes, though.’ Leto offered her a gesture to continue. She liked to talk. She also liked to pinch the indistinct bridge of her nose and sigh, which she did then, signaling it was soon time for briefing to be over, for action to begin. ‘Humans, right? Don’t even have the decency to be dependable. ( ... )


LEX LOCI (3/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 20:49:53 UTC
Leto saw no reason to measure his circumstances against another’s. That both were unpleasant was sufficient judgment enough. He had also been granted the means with which to better himself-to avoid making the situation worse-while so many were less fortunate. And, likewise, so many refused the agency to want anything for themselves at all ( ... )


LEX LOCI (4/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 20:51:05 UTC
Danarius had never imparted his plans, only his lyrium. Presumably, there hadn’t been time. And before any of it was made clear, before the fresh wounds had chance enough to heal, the attack on the mansion had come-white-hot flames and arcane horrors rising from the streets, a magister looking to duel where he thought he’d take the advantage. For the first time in his very long life, Danarius had been caught unawares-and it was Varania, not Leto, who’d used the commotion to their advantage, Varania who’d slipped into the house undetected, retrieving her brother from the dungeons, dragging him with her into the dirty side-streets. It was a bravery Leto still did not understand, no matter his own sacrifices-what Varania, despite the obvious hypocrisy, called foolishness.

As though she was not equally foolish.

In the end, Leto’s new master had only been his for a bare handful of days. In that short amount of time, he’d still managed to leave his mark-beyond what Leto bore on his skin, he also carried the memory of a new name: Fenris, ( ... )


LEX LOCI (5/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 20:52:25 UTC
Anders understood the impulse about as much as he didn’t understand it. He found he was capable, without actively seeking out physical harm, of reminding himself not only that he was living, but where he was living, which sometimes seemed more important than any other detail. It happened daily, often hourly, whenever the door to the clinic opened and some belching green smell rolled in like smog, followed by a woman carrying a sick child or a man leaning, bloody, against a friend, the ashen pallor of each new face demanding sympathy and care and an answering recoil in Anders’s stomach.

No; it wasn’t always like that. Sometimes, he sat up reading with a little girl, late into the night, distracting her from fear and sadness, doing all the voices, while she especially liked the grumpy dwarf and the beautiful pirate queen. In those moments, it did seem worth it, even if it took the most complicated route to get there ( ... )


LEX LOCI (6/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 20:54:16 UTC
Someone, Anders thought. And somehow, that someone was always him.

‘What do you expect me to do about it, Lirene?’ Anders asked. Despite the way it sounded-whiny, petulant, tinged with back-pain, thoroughly obtuse-he was, for once, honestly curious. ‘Go out there and fight him, man to healer?’

Lirene snorted. ‘Sometimes all a man needs is to know he’s being watched.’

‘And sometimes,’ Anders replied, ‘not knowing makes him so much happier.’ He paused to wind the bandages around his wrists a bit tighter-one had come loose during his half-jump of surprise, and fluttered like a lover’s token against the back of his hand-then glanced toward the door, hoping it was more subtle than it felt.

‘And here I thought I told you not to look up.’ Lirene took him by the arm, steering him behind a moss-eaten stanchion. ‘It isn’t the templars, at least. Unless they’ve started hiring elves, and discontinued those bloody awful helmets.’

‘Oh, no, Lirene,’ Anders replied. ‘They’d never do that. How would they know who they were when they looked in ( ... )


LEX LOCI (7/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 20:55:21 UTC
For Anders, taking care of it was synonymous with going outside to sniff nervously around. He hadn’t been serious when he’d offered to chase the interested party off through physical means, but if their current unwanted company was looking to attack, they’d have done so already ( ... )


LEX LOCI (8/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 20:56:41 UTC
‘You know how it is.’ Anders mustered a sampling from his wealth of cheerful tones, the ones that always-without fail-made templars hate him even more than they already did. He liked to personalize that antagonism, although with Malcolm, it was never easy to tell what he thought. The beard, Anders suspected, had something to do with that: it hid his mouth, the flash of his teeth, whether he was scowling or grinning or a little bit of both. ‘You invite a Fereldan in for supper, he stays for breakfast. We have to set up rules. Boundaries. Otherwise I’d never have anything to eat at all, ha ha, and that makes me rather cranky. Oh, and also-there was someone lurking outside the clinic. Wearing lots of armor. So there’s that, too.’

‘Again?’ Karl clapped Malcolm on the shoulder; there was something meaningful about the gesture, some agreement they’d come to in that Private Business Room in the back, some resolve they were currently sharing even as they said nothing to each other. ‘Really, Anders, I’m starting to think you should only tell ( ... )


LEX LOCI (8b/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 20:59:26 UTC
‘Better that it isn’t obvious at all,’ Karl said. He was obviously in one of his moods.

Anders twisted clean cotton around his fingers. Everything smelled of elfroot here, in this one, blessed corner of the clinic. ‘No need to be so gloomy,’ he said, plopping the bandage in the crate beside him-all things in their proper place. ‘How about some delicious stewed rat for dinner? That always cheers you up.’

Annnnd that's all for today. I said I would get it up Wednesday and I didn't want to make you wait any longer! So it's a bit early in the day for my usual posting time, but I'm heading out and I just wanted to make good on my promise. Again, I really hope it's not too far off the mark or anything like that, and I usually post every other day, so... I'll see you here again Friday! ♥ Eep. New fill posting jitters are definitely go...!


Re: LEX LOCI (8b/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 21:07:03 UTC
Anon likes the look of this. It's so hard for me to wrap my head around Leto instead of Fenris, but I was intrigued by the premise of this prompt, and lo and behold, it looks like it's going to get a quality fill. Definitely watching this for future updates!


Re: LEX LOCI (8b/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 21:25:53 UTC
Protective older brother Fenris? More Kirkwall alienage culture? Elves sticking together? (Hi, Athenril!) Yes please! Anon wants to see more.


Re: LEX LOCI (8b/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 21:30:56 UTC
Mmm, your voice for Fenris in this just sings. He's a tricky one to master, and I'm sure the difference between Leto and Fenris is something that's difficult to manage, but here it comes across perfectly. Great job, so far. You've got me hooked.


Re: LEX LOCI (8b/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 21:38:02 UTC
Interesting. I've always thought that if anyone understood the plight of the mages, it'd be the city elves. And then they went and had them join the qunari in the game which was neat I guess, but it didn't have the same impact I was looking for. This fill on the other hand, looks to be satisfying on that particular front. And you have "Leto"'s voice down pat, which is something I've struggled with in the past.

You're off to a bang-up start here!


Re: LEX LOCI (8b/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 21:39:41 UTC
Great beginning to what looks to be an interesting fill! Anon will definitely be following this one. ♥


Re: LEX LOCI (8b/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 21:47:46 UTC
Ha! I love the idea of Fenris being Athenril's "find" instead of Hawke. Obviously it's a different timeline and all, but I thought that was a cute parallel, her being Fenris and Varania's helping hand into Kirkwall the same way she is for Hawke in the game.

Loving this start- it seems clever and fun. I'll be watching for more. :)


Re: LEX LOCI (8b/?) anonymous July 20 2011, 21:50:08 UTC
Too cool, anon! It's so wild to read prompts and then see what someone else makes of them. And I love what you're making of this one! I think I'll stick around for the long haul. Can't wait to see where it leads!


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