Today I finally completed Dragon Age: Inquisition for the first time! XD I'd been putting it off for so long because I didn't want it to end
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I recently started playing in a new D&D campaign with one of the guys from work and a few of his friends. She's a necromancer and of course my first thought was Dorian Pavus so I'm playing her as a female version of him.
Let's talk about DA4 and what it might involve. This thread may end up containing spoilers for Trespasser in the comments so proceed at your own peril
What do you think DA4 is going to involve? More importantly what do you want it to involve? Any characters you want to see return? Any plot points you want to see continued?
Inspired by a post by one of the members over at our sister DW here's a chance to show off any fanworks you may have created. This can be fic, art, cosplay, vids, plushies, crochet, whatever
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