About Two Boys is a series of drabbles linking Harry and Draco's lives, a moment from each year starting with their births.
Previous parts:
Birth -
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -
13 -
14 -
15 -
16 -
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -
21 -
22 -
22.5 -
23 Double drabbles this time as we come nearly to the end. There will probably be one more bit.
I've swapped the order of the drabbles for this one, hope it doesn't spoil the flow.
Messrs Greenwood, Flowerdew and Swithinbank prided themselves on being able to sell any property, but Mr Flowerdew had to admit sometimes it was difficult.
Sometimes the seller included covenants that scared people away. Sometimes it was the location. But this time it was both. Who would buy part of the Malfoy estate where they could do nothing except live in the summerhouse?
He hoped the person reading the complicated deeds wouldn’t change his mind (or notice the bit about reselling only to a Malfoy).
Finally, the man nodded and signed his name.
Mr Flowerdew sighed with relief. “Congratulations, Mr Potter.”
Draco stood in the south wing library, staring out into the darkness. The wing, unlike the rest of the house, had survived almost intact. He could make out the lake and, just beyond, the light from the summerhouse.
“You should invite him for supper.”
He turned, smiling at his mother and let her kiss his cheek. “He wouldn’t come.”
A warm arm slid around Draco’s waist. “How do you know if you don’t ask?”
“Because he’s Harry Potter.”
“And?” The grip tightened. “Would it hurt to ask? You spend every evening looking, Draco, and someone must make the first move.”
Harry sat outside the summerhouse shivering despite wearing his warmest winter cloak. He’d woken to find the world transformed into a scene from the ‘Snow Queen’. Hoarfrost clung to everything. Harry decided he’d never seen anything so beautiful in his 24 years.
He sipped at his cup of coffee and wondered if his shivering was from the cold or the need for something stronger.
Feet crunching on ice made him look up. Malfoy looked like Kai in his fur robes.
Malfoy sat beside him and nodded as he took the offered cup.
Neither spoke as they sat in companionable silence.
The clock struck midnight and Draco kissed his mother. “Happy New Year.”
Narcissa smiled, hugging him before turning to her guests. It had been many years since the manor had been full of so many happy people.
He looked for Potter and found him in the library staring out into the darkness.
Potter turned and Draco thought he saw tears on the man’s cheeks. He was holding the remains of a broken glass. “I’ve got nothing left, Draco.”
Quickly Draco took the glass. “Yes you have.”
Hesitating for a moment, he wiped away a tear. “You’ve got me.”