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Comments 4

gheez June 7 2010, 20:55:18 UTC
Youssef looks like he should be on the moors and living at Jamaica Inn or doubling for Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights.

Really enjoyed your commentary and the pretty pictures (statues in Egypt and Great Wall). I really hope that my laptop lets China look as good as it does in your pictures. (I'm in mid-holiday in France and slighly irked that the cheat I found to get the Eiffel Tower doesn't seem to work in my game.)

That's not on that all love is lost if a teen ages up to adult before his/her love does. Not on at all. You'd have thought EAxis might have made an exception for a pre-existing attachment. Still, Kii is cuter, even if he is smellier.

I'd run afoul of that skiving thing too - Colin wasn't skipping school but skiving off work. I didn't realise it was something that they could do. *Shakes head*

Once again, enjoyed your commentary.


dragancaor June 8 2010, 09:22:11 UTC
There's a cheat for the Eiffel Tower? Ooh!

I think they fixed the romance thing in a patch... or Ashleigh failed for not actually *asking* him to go steady (instead of just saying 'oh hey i think you're hot). One of my VDSL Bruces had a partner who aged before them & they kept the 'boyfriend/girlfriend' title, but couldn't have romantic interactions.
Kii is pretty epic though. I love him to pieces. Far better than Sam.

Ashleigh wagged a lot. A lot. Drove me insane.

& thank you! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed =)


simsforaranya June 13 2010, 22:15:56 UTC
http://dragancaor.net/storage/sims/screens/asimov/asimov-g01,01/asimov0096.jpg ZOMG. They can sit and eat marshmallow??? SANITY!

You make me want WA sooo bad. XD


I want Ashleigh's anke. Ahnk? The Egyptian key incense burner thingie.

http://dragancaor.net/storage/sims/screens/asimov/asimov-g01,01/asimov0124.jpg This looks like they are totally planning getting up to naughty things. XD

O_O I cannot believe it took me this long to comment.


dragancaor June 14 2010, 11:32:00 UTC
They shrink too much in tanks in my opinion. But YAY KOI! [fanfare]

Ankh. What is this?! TWO words you weren't sure on the spelling of in as many days? The world really IS ending. o.O

I can. Dude, you've had exams. & you FINSIHED Aqualee's Hero! A*OUFHIORY#(*RGHQIKJ#$29*6BP)R*YH!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
(& yes I got the email, I'll start reading tomorrow!)


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