Adult stem cells used to cure Type I Diabetes in a clinical test. Article: So, these adult stem cells do awesome things, but embryonic stem cells are more versatile and people say we can't use them, what's that about yo? How 'bout those embryos?
People in comments: KILLING BABIES IS MURDER
magistrate: Head. Desk
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Comments 9
I'm also in favor or experimenting on the people who think destroying immature embryos comes ANYWHERE CLOSE to actually killing babies. There is clearly something wrong with these people and we need to figure out what so we can immunize others against their epidemic stupidity.
I can make myself like babies/young children with an effort of will, but it's taxing. I'm not filled with antipathy for them, but I don't care for them and the screaming/puking/defecating thing gets on my nerves. (I'm willing to forgive a lot, though, because I think I was a pretty bratty kid. Possibly a sweet baby, but a pretty bratty kid.)
But I'd definitely agree that there is a huge difference between 'embryo' and 'baby.' Fertility clinics, also, end up with tons of embryos they can't do anything with-- and nobody has volunteered to be impregnated en masse with the unused ones, so they're just sitting there frozen in storage. People raise a big fuss over the idea of destroying them, but I really don't see how keeping a frozen embryo in storage indefinitely and not doing anything with it constitutes "respect for the sanctity of life."
There's a quote in a House episode at one point: "Nice thing about the abortion debate is we can quibble over trimesters, but ultimately there's an ice-cold line: birth. Morally, there isn't a lot of difference. Practically, huge." Which is... yeah. Technically, yes, everything is arbitrary. But there's also an element of practicality, which may not be the kindest thing, but does weigh on the issue.
And really I don't think they're all utter fools. Everyone has moral codes they live by, and this research offends a lot of peoples codes in the same way ours might be offended by, say, child rape. There is no easy answer.
Personally I believe the potential of life does not equal or stride alongside life itself, so I am in favor of stem cell research. But then I'm also in favor of abortion up to a certain developmental stage, so pre-cognitive 'life' doesn't get a lot of shout-outs and respects-yo from me, I suppose.
It's easy for me to dismiss it because my conception of the soul's/individual's/whathaveyou's relationship to the body is a lot more fluid, and it kinda "fades in" over time. I don't think there's anything there that early on, especially not before the brain is developed, but since there's no way to objectively measure that, it's hard to argue. (And even if there were, a significant number of people would still pay no attention to it for a variety of reasons.)
As for the Russian... it's pretty much a snipe-back at transnomad, who has his LJ in German. ^^ It's a sibling-rivalry thing.
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