It's that time again: the ol' brain needs to be cleaned out, because there are a bunch of notionbits floating around, inchoate or half-formed, and they don't seem to be resolving into complete, coherent LJ posts anytime soon. So. Scattershot.
On Deep Dragons )
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I think I might have some entries on it, somewhere.
Dragons in the modified Western ideal and Dragons in the Eastern ideal both ring as "true nature of draconity" to me, though when I think "dragons" (as in, the English word) I do think of the western deep ones more than not. Eastern dragons I guess I just refer to as Lóngs (who show up in Estune from time to time), and are probably a lot closer to any elements of draconity I myself posess than westerns are.
YES. That's exactly it. In a word, it has to scan.
You pull it off so much better than I do, too.
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