09x13 - Icarus - Part Three: Rainbow's End

May 27, 2013 16:02

Episode Number: 09x13 of Season 9 Fan Fiction (S9FF)
Title: Icarus
Subtitle: Rainbow's End
Author: dracox-serdriel
Word Count: 3,085
Rating: R
Warnings: violence, language
Status: Complete. Feedback appreciated.

Jesse paced the length of his bedroom as Sam talked on the phone.

"Okay, message sent," Sam said as he hung up.

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, but I'm not sure how long it'll be in-transit," Sam replied. "So, let's get started now, okay? Fill me in."

Jesse seemed uncomfortable. "I don't even know where to start."

"How about, the last time we met, start there," Sam suggested.

"The last time we met..." Jesse thought for a minute. "People got hurt because I made imaginary things real. People died," Jesse stated.

"You didn't know."

"Not then. But now, now I do," Jesse stopped pacing. "After you left, for a week or two, demons came to my parent's old house looking for me. I killed them. I had to, I was just trying to keep my parents safe."

"They were demons," Sam reassured him. "You had to kill them to stop them."

"About five or six months after you left, it was like everything disappeared."

"You mean, your powers?"

"When I made things come to life, all that stuff, it was like something tapped into my fear and used that as a faucet. It was draining, only I didn't know that, not until it stopped," Jesse looked confused. "Did that make sense?"

Sam said, "Yeah, it does. Six months after met you would be around when we trapped Lucifer in the cage. Cas said when he walked the Earth, it made your powers grow like a weed."


"He's a friend who works with us," Sam dismissed. "You'll meet him soon. Anyway, once Dean and I tossed Lucifer back into the hole and locked the door, your powers must've returned to normal."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad," Jesse said. "But a few months ago, it started up again."

"Was that around when you hit puberty?"

Jesse looked skeptically at Sam. "You think I grew like three feet in two weeks?"

"Okay, then, what about when you hit puberty?"

"What about it?"

"Did you notice anything changes?" Sam asked. "With your powers?"

"A little, but not like this."

"I thought maybe it's like a magical growth spurt," Sam explained. "That would explain - "

"Whatever it is, it needs to stop. People are getting hurt, and I can't let anyone die because of me. Not again."

"Okay, okay, just tell me - "

"My dreams, or nightmares, have been coming to life," Jesse said quickly. "Nearly killed two people last night. And there's nothing I can do. I tried to wake myself up - "

"Jesse, it's okay, we'll figure it out."

"It's not okay!"

"You're right it's not," Sam said, realizing he was dealing with a teenager. "I just meant, there are things we can do right now to prevent further incidents."

The teenager bit his lip furiously. "That's not enough. Sam, when I asked you to ask God, or whatever, about how to get rid of my powers, that wasn't a metaphor or hyperbole, that's what I actually want."

"You want to get rid of all your powers?" Sam asked.

"These powers? They've done nothing but destroy my life! My parents thought I ran away for those six months, the state tried to take me away from them - "

"Okay, okay," Sam cut him off. "Look, I said I'd help you, and I meant it. Now I know what's going on, and I promise you, we will figure it out."

Jesse slouched. "Right."

Castiel concentrated as hard as he could on cutting through the binding rope. Lachesis's magic remained strong despite her betrayal, and he wondered if she learned a thing or two from Crowley. With his powers ensnared by the rope, he had to slice through it slowly with a small knife as the Fates quarreled ceaselessly.

"You walk away now," Atropos said with finality, "don't even think about coming back."

"You won't be our sister anymore," Nona added.

Lachesis had turned her back on them both. The angel noticed the change in tone and cut more furiously. Dean picked up that cue as indication that Cas needed more time, so he rolled away from the angel to execute his diversion.

"Maybe I never was to begin with," Lachesis rasped.

"Come on, even I know that's a load of crap," Dean spat.

"Shut up," Nona said, and Dean's tongue became tied.

"I know cuz I said dat tah Sammy - " Dean tried to say.

Lachesies waved her hand to counteract Nona's curse.

"I said it because he'd been drinking blood, slutting around with some demon, going behind my back because he thought I wasn't strong enough," he continued. "So I confronted him, and when he went to walk away, I said the same thing. If he walked away, he should never come back, he wasn't my brother anymore, if he ever was - "

"Get to your point," Atropos demanded.

"I said it because," Dean hesitated. He'd never admitted this to anyone out loud before. "Because I needed him to pick me. The ultimatum wasn't for him. It was about me. I couldn't understand the choices he'd made, and I was looking for anything, anything at all that would reassure me he was the same Sam I grew up with."

"But he left," Nona said. "He left you bloody on the floor."

"That's why I know. We got to that room, that fight, because I didn't understand him. I hadn't tried to because, to me, everything was so clear. I didn't even try to get it, you know? Told myself it was because I couldn't imagine what he did, what he felt, what he was thinking. And that was a first for me, not knowing my little brother at all. But after all that, I realized, he didn't leave me because he wasn't my family. He left because he thought it was the only way to save a lot of lives. He was wrong. Really, really fucking wrong, but he didn't know that. That's the man my brother grew up to be. He let me think he was a monster so he could save the world. And for that, I'm proud of him. Even if I wouldn't admit it for a long time."

Nona shook her head. "Moving speech, kid, but your brother didn't know killing Lilith was his destiny to start the Apocalypse. He thought it would prevent it. There's a world of difference between that and what she did."

"She was under no illusion," Atropos agreed.

"So sure of yourselves as always," Lachesis shot back.

"You're trying to say that you left us by accident? You thought you were doing bad things with good intent?" Nona taunted.

Lachesis grabbed at her younger sister, and soon all three were fighting in close quarters.

Castiel freed himself. He moved to Dean and healed him out in the open. The hunter saw clarity in the angel's eyes, in spite of the risk he just took, calling Heavenly attention to them, so Dean held his peace and waited.

As soon as he heard wings, Cas teleported Dean away, leaving three Fates in the presence of two angels.

"What the hell, Cas! We weren't finished!" Dean barked.

Cas and Dean were in the Impala, which was parked outside the bunker. The angel cut away the ropes, and once free of them, Dean took the time to stretch.

They both got out of the car and waved at the cameras, so Kevin opened the door.

"They're on their way," Cas dismissed. "And I imagine as soon as they, how do you say it? Patch things up, they'd've killed us both."

"What? Why?"

"Because they can," Cas replied simply.

"Guys, so good news and medium news," Kevin said.

"Okay," Dean said. "Let's hear it all."

Kevin told them about Sam's phone call. "He didn't elaborate, but you gotta drop me off here," Kevin said, pointing out the map of Joshua's coordinates.

"Okay, but there're too many angels. We gotta drive," Dean said. He flipped open his phone and dialed his brother.

"Dean, you're okay?" Sam answered the phone.

"Well, the Supremes aren't completely back together," Dean said sarcastically, "But I survived the reunion tour. So here's hoping that's enough. How'dyou do?"

"Actually, really well," Sam sounded genuinely surprised.

"Then where the hell are you?"


"Why are you - "

"You should get out here as soon as you can," Sam interrupted. "We've got a case."

"A case that - "

"It can't wait, Dean."

"Awesome," Dean muttered. "Okay, we need to drop Kev off first, and that's at least eight hours in the opposite direction. Can you hold down the fort for a day?"

"I guess, but can't Cas zap you here?"

"Too many freaking angels!" Dean repeated. "We're driving!" He hung up, and he saw Castiel's and Kevin's puzzled expressions.

"What?" he snapped.

"You need to chill out," Kevin replied. He walked out of the room and said, "Let me grab my bag!"

"He's excited," Cas observed.

"Excited?" Dean repeated. "The kid should be making out with some hot chick at a frat party, not - "

"Dean," Cas interrupted. "He could do that. But he doesn't want to. He wants to do this instead."

"Ridiculous," Dean muttered.

Kevin returned with his bag in hand. "We ready?"

The two angels that responded to Castiel's powers were named Simeon and Leah. Under normal circumstances, they'd've followed straight after him, but seeing all three Fates on the Earth was far from normal.

"Atropos?" Simeon asked. "What are you doing here?"

The scuffle between the sisters dissipated.

"We were summoned," Nona answered.

"To what end?" Leah asked.

"They were summoned to meet with me - " Lachesis began.

Atropos interrupted. "It doesn't matter, the man who summoned us is gone."

Simeon said, "Castiel was just here."

"We want to know why," Leah continued.

Atropos replied, "Lachesis has been missing."

"Lost," Nona offered.

"Yes, lost," Atropos said. "Castiel's pet helped us find her again."

"His pet?" Simeon asked Leah.

Nona spoke up, "Dean Winchester."

Simeon acknowledged the name, but Leah pushed ahead with the task at hand.

"Lost?" Leah asked. "As in gone astray?"

"How dare you - " Nona began.

"She's right to ask," Lachesis interrupted. "I was - "

"Abducted," Atropos interrupted. "By Crowley."

"Crowley has been dead for months," Simeon stated. "Why is she just now resurfacing?"

"You don't kidnap a Fate and let her roam free," Nona retorted. "Crowley had her trapped, locked up, hid her from us. We couldn't find her - "

"But a human could?" Leah asked incredulously.

Lachesis stopped her sisters with a wave of her hand. "They are not being honest with you. They are trying to protect me from my own choices."

Leah and Simeon considered the three sisters.

"What would you have us report?" Simeon asked.

Lachesis turned to her sisters. "Go, let me handle this."

Atropos and Nona protested simultaneously, "No!"

"You're both right," Lachesis said. "You are my sisters, and my first responsibility is to you. I abandoned you. I don't deserve your forgiveness. Not yet. Let me start to remedy what I have done."

Her sisters vanished, leaving Lachesis alone with Leah and Simeon.

"I will ask again," Simeon began. "What will you have us report?"

"Everything, if you'll hear it."

Sam paged through the scrapbook of articles Jesse made for him. Some were odd accidents. Others were assumed to be animal attacks. Six major injuries in the last two weeks.

When Jesse came back from the bathroom, Sam said, "We need to start damage control."

"Promise me something," Jesse asked quietly.

"Sure, what?"

"If we do all this, try everything and it doesn't work... Would you - kill me?" he asked.

"Don't talk like that - "

"I'm half-demon, Sam," Jesse interrupted. "If I gotta shot at getting into Heaven, I've got to - "

"Woah, woah, slow down," Sam said. "Let's cross this bridge when we come to it."

Sam remembered making these same promises to the werewolf he just pulled out of Purgatory. He failed Madison; did he really believe he would help Jesse?

"You might be half-demon, but you're also half-human," Sam reminded him. "And you're a good kid. A good person. Okay? And, if you do end up in Hell or limbo or where ever, I'll make sure you're not stuck there."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Jesse said, the angst bubbling up.

"Look at me, Jesse," Sam said.

When Jesse met his eyes, the younger Winchester remembered every agonizing moment in Hell seeking Bobby. He recalled the dangers of Purgatory, the portal, the shift between planes, the reapers, the souls, everything. It was like for an instant, he relived all those moments concurrently.

"I've pulled a soul out of Hell. Me. Flesh-and-blood human. Two more out of Purgatory. One of them, she was in a similar situation. Sort of. And I couldn't save her life, but I didn't leave her to rot either. Please, believe me when I say I will not let you suffer, stuck somewhere you don't belong," Sam promised. The sincerity in his voice sank into the teenager's brain.

Jesse nodded.

"And getting rid of your powers, chances are, will take time. It's not like it'll be 'Drink this!' and suddenly your demon half is gone."

"But - "

"Let me finish," Sam replied. "What we need to do is find ways to contain your power. Most of this stuff happened when you were asleep, so the place to start is magic-proofing your room."


"Hex bags, iron shielding, that kind of thing."

"And if that doesn't work? Two people almost died - "

"I'll be here," Sam said. "Castiel can monitor your dreams, wake you if up if the dream is projecting or whatever."

"Castiel?" Jesse repeated.

"Castiel, Cas. You've met. He's an angel," said Sam.

"Why would an angel help me?"

"Because he's my friend," Sam replied. He changed tactics. "If it helps, Jesse, I know what it's like. I had demon blood in me since I was a baby. There was a time all I wanted to do was die for the mistakes I've made."

"Then - "

"But those mistakes, they were my choices," Sam continued. "You didn't choose - "

Jesse stared at the ground. "I have."

"You have what?"

"Used my powers. By choice," Jesse said. The guilt in his voice made the picture clear to Sam.

"Okay, when?"

"I, uh, sometimes when I'm angry - things happen," Jesse admitted. "Broken legs. Nose. Fingers mostly."

"You said it happens when - "

"I'm pissed off," Jesse said. "I tried controlling my feelings if that's what you're going to suggest. And that failed."

"Okay, well, we can work on that too - "


"Hex bags," Sam answered. "There're a few that can buy you some time to get your cool. You'd just have to pocket them."

"We're using magic to stop magic? Seems counterintuitive."

"Until we know one way or another, it's our best bet."

His phone rang. "It's Cas, I need to take this."

Dean sat behind the wheel. Kevin rode shotgun because Cas took up the entire back seat with books and notes. He tried to hold the phone to his ear with his shoulder, but it kept sliding.

"Yes, that's what I just said," Cas continued. "There is a theory about a cure for demons, but it's only succeeded once. And the cure is for full demons, not half-demons - "

"Does it get rid of their powers?"

"The book makes no mention of that," Cas replied. "And the ritual requires human blood and an exorcism. I don't think we can use this on Jesse. He's already human."

"How far out are you guys?"

"Dean said it'll be three more hours before we can drop off Kevin," the angel replied. "We'll drive through the night and be there around noon tomorrow."

"Okay, did you look up the other stuff I asked about?" Sam asked.

"I did."


Dean smiled when he saw Cas roll his eyes.

"And," Cas said, "I would've mentioned anything that would help!"

"Okay, geeze, just asking, talk to you later," Sam replied as he hung up.

Sarah-Rebecca entered Naomi's office, where she and two other angels waited for her.

"Ruach - "

"Sarah-Rebecca," she corrected Naomi.

Naomi said, "Sarah-Rebecca, this is Simeon and Leah. They have an important report. And so do I."

"About what?"

"Joshua was summoned to Earth by the prophet," Naomi said. "And on the same day, Dean Winchester summoned the three Fates, Sam Winchester freed two souls from Purgatory - "

"Yes you've said," Sarah-Rebecca said. "What is this about the Fates?"

Simeon and Leah told her everything. The archangel asked, "Why did you go to Earth?"

Simeon replied, "Castiel used his power, and we went to capture him."

"Simeon, Leah, thank you, you're dismissed," Sarah-Rebecca said to them. As soon as they left, she turned to Naomi. "What are you doing?"

"My job."

"I told you to stand down. I told you to order the others to stand down as well, so why did two angels go to Earth?"

"I - " Naomi began. "Something is going on, ma'am, and I can't just sit by - "

"I know exactly what is happening. Your orders are to stand down, and to pass that command to your subordinates. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but - "

"Do you explain everything to your subordinates? Confide every secret you know in them?" When Naomi shook her head, the archangel continued, "Neither do I. I know, and I am telling you, there is no reason for concern. You don't need to know anymore. Follow my orders and stand down."

"Yes, ma'am," Naomi said. She bowed her head and kept it down until Sarah-Rebecca left her office.

Dean parked the Impala at the base of a mountainous upheaval in the middle of nowhere.

"Seriously, this is it?" Dean asked.

"These are the coordinates Joshua gave me."

"God wants you to go up there?" Dean asked. "Through slippery mountain territory? Slip, fall, break every bone in your body - "

Kevin interjected, "Thanks for the ride, Mom!"

"Shut up," Dean said. "We'll wait here till you've made it into the cave or top or whatever."

"No, go ahead, I can always call Cas for help," Kevin said as he got out of the car.

The angel followed him.

"I'm okay," Kevin said to him.

"I wanted to ride in the front seat," Cas replied. "And, in case you didn't know, when you arrive at the right spot, you need only wait and listen."

"Thanks, for everything," the prophet said as he started his climb.

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Part Four: Cloud of Amber

Primary Post: 09x13 Icarus
Primary Post: Season 9 Fan Fiction (S9FF)

species: fate, character: sam winchester, type: fic, character: naomi the angel, year: 2013, number: 09x13, universe: supernatural, season: nine, species: cambion, theme: dickwad angels, character: kevin tran, theme: being a prophet sucks, character: castiel, theme: big secrets, species: angel, relationship: destiel, style: episode, character: nona, character: dean winchester, rating: r, location: heaven, character: sarah-rebecca/ruach, character: lachesis, theme: friendly freaks, character: atropos

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