Title: One Big Misunderstanding
agentmoppetPrompt: #40 by
lyannaHarry and Blaise are dating. Cue Draco rueing the day he ever introduced the two of them.
Summary: Draco will be the first to admit that his choices aren't particularly clever, expecially when they involve Potter, but this has to be the worst one yet.
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): Mild Dom/Sub tones. Light praise!kink. Light bondage. (Also Pining!Draco, Office Sex, and Auror Partners)
Word Count: 6.8k
Author's Notes: Hope you enjoy this one, lyanna :) It was a lot of fun to write! All the thanks and love to @decanthrope for not only being an excellent beta, but for supporting me in taking over this prompt as a pinch hitter right at the end of the fest and supplying me with 500 plot ideas.
One Big Misunderstanding )