Title: When the Opportunity Arises
# 1Summary: A simple favor for Hermione turns into a whole slew of events that Harry never quite anticipated. But with Draco Malfoy running a sex shop and Hermione's meddlesome tendencies, he should probably have expected this sort of outcome.
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): Anal sex, sex toys, swearing, implied top!Harry with previous partners.
Word Count: ~7000
Author's Notes: First of all, thank you so so much to the mods for being wonderful and putting this fest on! Secondly, thank you to my betas: calypso_mary, and especially thethaumas for doing a really last-minute pre-deadline beta. All my love. <3
My dear prompter,
capitu - I hope you enjoy this very much! Your prompt was the first one on the list, and I knew immediately that it was the one I wanted to write for. I tried to make it just as sexy as the prompt called for. ;)
When the Opportunity Arises )