Title: The Rest is Unwritten
# 20Summary: Draco has lost his memory and lives as a Muggle. No one seems to care and the Ministry has declined Narcissa's request for help.
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): (highlight for details): *nary a one… unless I need to warn for Draco being taller than Harry*
Word Count: 11,431
Author's Notes: Dear
digthewriter I adored this prompt from the start. The story, however, isn't exactly the one I started out to tell, but I hope that you enjoy it. My undying gratitude to the mods for understanding that my life seems to no longer be under my control. I sincerely hope this was worth the wait. I owe this story to my darling B. Without her this wouldn't be finished and I know for a fact it wouldn't be worth reading. She is, without a doubt, the peanut butter to my jelly. ♥ And to
alisanne for her eleventh hour, lightning fast beta. The title is shamelessly stolen from the Natasha Bedingfield song Unwritten.
The Rest is Unwritten )