FIC: Sober, With Love (NC-17)

Apr 21, 2012 18:30

Title: Sober, With Love
Author: pixiegerms
Prompt: #142
Summary: Harry downed the potion in one, pupils quickly dilating and his mind blissfully, gratefully drifting off.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Harry/Blaise, Blaise/Harry/Draco
Warnings: AU with Slytherin!Harry, underage sex, alcohol and major drug use (starting from age 14)
Word Count: 32,685
Author's Notes: This went in such a different direction than I thought it would. A lot of thanks for the help looking this over I got from luna_plath and pern_dragon. They caught a ridiculous amount of things I never would have noticed and I'm so grateful. I tried to stick to icicle33's prompt, but it ended up deviating much further than I expected. Still, I had fun with it and the threesome is present, so I think I didn't fail completely. :)

( Sober, With Love )

fic length: long, fic length: one shot, type: fic, contains: threesome, contains: drugging, author: pixiegerms, rating: nc-17, era: hogwarts, [admin] fest-2012

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