Thank you for letting me stay the night. I left early this morning and did not wish to wake you.
From your notes I have made up a potion which I put the finishing touches to today and I would like you to check it. I think it will work to reverse Harry's condition but I don't want to make an error. I need my husband back as he should be and in one piece.
Please send the vial back with the owl when you are done. You should only need a small sample for testing and if it all seems correct please let me know as soon as you can and I will administer it to Potter. We are still at his parent's house, but the owl will know where to find me, regardless.
Attached also find the payment for your assistance in this matter.
*attached along with the letter and the aforementioned vial of a murky dark purple solution is a pouch holding 100 Galleons and a white box, enclosed inside is a stylishly-cut blue evening gown in Hermione's size and in a smaller box a delicate silver-chain necklace with a small diamond pendant*