
Jun 15, 2019 16:57

Hi all. You may or may not have noticed that I've not been posting for some time now. It was a combination of health issues and... just gradually moving away from LJ ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

dragonydreams June 16 2019, 00:06:41 UTC
I'm so glad that the surgery worked out for you and that you're feeling so much better now.


sparrow2000 June 22 2019, 18:47:05 UTC
Hey draconin - very happy to hear that you came out of the other side of the surgery well and that you are feeling the benefits.

Congratulations on your anniversary with penne4m - here's to another 10 years for you both!

LJ is so quiet these days - I still post my fic here before posting at A03, so I still hang around. Thank you for all your lovely comments over the years, I've really appreciated them. I hope we see you still from time to time.

Take care and best wishes for your continued good health!
sparrow :)


draconin June 23 2019, 05:06:31 UTC
Thanks. :-) Your log on LJ has always been one of the ones that I've enjoyed reading, both fic and entries. I poke my head up every month or so and take a gander at the flist. In the meantime I'm just enjoying being able to do things now that I couldn't for many years. WAY more energy! I'm aiming for 80-90kg loss so I'm more than halfway there in six months.

It's a bit of a pain (sometimes literally) how much difference having only 20% of my stomach size is. You can only eat about a 2/3 cup size at a time without pain and, of course, I have to be careful about nutrition. And oddly enough dehydration is apparently something that is enough of an issue that post op people have been hospitalised over. Doen't seem to be a worry for me so far.


Happy Birthday! sparrow2000 July 24 2020, 17:22:52 UTC
Hey draconin, I'm not sure if you ever read your LJ now. I just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday. I hope you are still doing well and enjoying life.

Take care
sparrow :)


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