Name that Dracoluvah

Apr 18, 2008 19:18

 Identity crisis!

I don't think that  really fits who I am anymore.
I had chosen that name back pre-slash days, when I was a DM/HG shipper.
Last night I finally felt that I had come up with a perfect name, that is until I told my husband.
He yelled at me because my last name is part of it.
So now, I'm tired, and cranky, and sad, and cranky, and have ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

nehalenia April 19 2008, 01:38:46 UTC
I'm all for names that don't indicate affinities, just in case one's tastes change. Could you use the name you thought of but translate your last name into something else?


dracoluvah April 19 2008, 11:48:13 UTC
I do agree with you about not indicating an affinity. Hence my choice to want to change Dracoluvah. I mean I like him ... but I also like Renji, and Ichigo, and Severus ....


sesheta_66 April 19 2008, 06:59:50 UTC
I went for the name of a goddess that most closely matched me as a person. Of course, it was taken, but I added numbers and voila! Might be worth a try.

ATHENA (a-THEE-nuh; Roman name Minerva) was the goddess of crafts and the domestic arts and also those of war.


Saraswati is the goddess of art and literature, the mother of wisdom and knowledge.

In Egypt the art of writing was the gift of the Goddess Isis, Maat, Menos, or Seshat - no point confusing people with a similar name; in Rome, that of the Goddess Carmenta or the Fata Scribunda ... (page wouldn't open for the rest).


dracoluvah April 19 2008, 17:00:31 UTC
Thanks for the goddess info.

Somehow I feel far from goddess status on anything I do.


sesheta_66 April 19 2008, 18:53:15 UTC
Okay ... to qualify, I figured it wasn't so much to say, "Look at me! I am goddess, hear me roar!" It was more to empower my inner writer.

There. That makes me sound much less arrogant and full of myself. Hee!


dracoluvah April 19 2008, 19:34:46 UTC
Oh my goodness! No! I didn't mean it as a backhanded compliment to you. I just don't even feel worthy to even attempt the writing craft.

YOU ... YOU are amazing!

And it makes sense to pick a name with meaning behind it. I was just having a low self esteem moment!


starrose17 April 19 2008, 16:13:57 UTC
Actually as it turns out with or without our votes for kkm_Caption there is a clear winner for all three screencaps this week, so i've gone ahead and made the winning banners. Whatcha think?

Screencap 1:¤t=Winnerscreencap01.jpg



All the future ones will be based on these templates


dracoluvah April 19 2008, 16:57:59 UTC
And the people have spoken! ;-)

Those are great too!
I honestly like them too!
We had some good entries.

The work you did on the banners were fantastic.
You are so talented!


starrose17 April 19 2008, 17:13:54 UTC
lol Well I've put the winning post up now ^_^

That's week 1 over and done with!


dracoluvah April 19 2008, 17:29:16 UTC
Three cheers for week one!


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