
Apr 15, 2007 14:12

I appreciate you coming on such short notice, Granger. I wasn't expecting to get Potter out of the house today, but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Shall we?

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prefection April 15 2007, 20:42:44 UTC
Are you going to tell me now why you insisted on seeing me alone?


prefection April 15 2007, 22:19:49 UTC
I think it's really rather sweet that the grumpy old bugger has a love life.


dracolicious April 15 2007, 22:32:06 UTC
I'd prefer that he and my mother had a bit less of one. Whatever happened to keeping affairs behind closed doors?


prefection April 15 2007, 22:32:43 UTC
Whatever happened to knocking on closed doors before waltzing through them?


dracolicious April 15 2007, 22:37:42 UTC
Floo and Apparition doesn't allow for much knocking, as it turns out. I was bloody invited.


prefection April 15 2007, 22:38:50 UTC
Get over it. It's just sex. Honestly.


dracolicious April 15 2007, 21:16:24 UTC
The reason for telling you this in confidence is that, naturally, it won't be complete before I'm scheduled to go to St. Mungo's. This is where your expertise comes in, if you would be willing.


prefection April 15 2007, 21:19:30 UTC
That all depends on what your goal is, which I'm still waiting to hear.


dracolicious April 15 2007, 21:35:23 UTC
My goal continues to shift with every success and complication. Simply, the original plan was to concoct a potion with long-lasting invisibility effects, among others. I admit it's a completely selfish project.


prefection April 15 2007, 21:37:53 UTC
An invisibility potion? Draco! That's wonderful! Have you got your notes?


dracolicious April 15 2007, 21:52:19 UTC
A fair few, in the cellar.

If I can take this experimental brew to a functional level, just think of the advantage Potter and the rest of the Order could have during confrontations! I don't want to get ahead of myself, but if we could make a variant strain that would enable the drinker to become invisible simply at will for a period of time, instead of a constant state of invisibility. . . .


prefection April 15 2007, 21:55:21 UTC
More than that, Draco this would change the wizarding world! It would have to be carefully regulated, of course, otherwise the abuse of such a potion could run rampant.

Oh, there's so much to be done! Would you mind terribly if I borrowed your notes for a few days? Don't worry about Ron, he won't even look at them.

When is your surgery?


dracolicious April 15 2007, 22:11:37 UTC
Anything that's even remotely common knowledge can fall into the hands of the wrong sort. This really ought to stay close to the chest for now.

I'd rather keep my original journals here, if it's all the same to you. Duplicate what you want. The appointment will be a week from Monday, barring any rescheduling delays. I'll need to you pop in and keep an eye on what I've got simmering in the cellar. I trust you can be discreet.


prefection April 15 2007, 22:15:24 UTC
Of course, I completely understand. I can Apparate straight in and out of the laboratory, and he won't even know that I'm here. He doesn't go down there, does he?

Are these all of them? I'm impressed. It looks like you've done a fair bit of research already.


dracolicious April 15 2007, 22:22:11 UTC
Doubtful. I'll close it up before I leave, so he can't go poking about in the event he actually leaves St. Mungo's at any point.

Parts of it may be more theory and speculation than true, solid fact, but I say anything is subjective until proven absolutely wrong.


prefection April 15 2007, 22:24:51 UTC
I'll add my own notes to my copies, and then you can have a look when we meet again.

Draco, I -- thank you. It means a lot that you'd allow me to help.


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