Challenge #271

Sep 26, 2012 21:37

Title: Gains 52
Team: Aurors
Character(s): Harry, Draco, Luna
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mpreg
Word count: 100
Challenge: #271 - redecorating
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Luna is busy making plans.

"Draco, please stop interrupting," Luna scolded. "Harry and I are making plans for our house." She turned to smile at Harry again. "I can't wait to begin redecorating! We'll start with the nursery."

Harry hid a grin, both at Malfoy's discomfiture and Luna's enthusiasm. "We don't have a house yet," he reminded her.

"Oh, but we shall," she said.

Malfoy dared to interrupt again. "Potter's home is going to be with me," he insisted.

Luna leaned over and patted his hand. "It's a good thing we're at St Mungo's, Draco," she said. "You should get something for that wrackspurt infestation."

redecorating, enchanted_jae

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