
May 10, 2007 13:36

Title: Shatter
Author: idontgiveafaux
Team: Death Eaters, baby
Word count: 100 x 3
Characters/pairings: H/D
Challenge: Moving House
Authors Notes: None

Harry closed his eyes and put his fingers in his ears as he heard a particularly loud thump and Draco cursing angrily downstairs. There was a sound of glass breaking and Harry was not sure whether whatever it was had broken involuntarily or whether Draco had destroyed it in one of his vicious moods. It was his vicious moods that had been the final straw in the breakdown of their already ruined relationship. He had been stupid to ever think it would have worked. He heard footsteps, Draco making his way into the living room, and then… silence.


He stayed upstairs for a while, not trusting himself to move, instead finding solace in gnawing at his knuckles until they bled and the physical pain outweighed the emotional. After a sharp nip which made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, he got up from his perched position on the edge of the bed and made his way downstairs tentatively. He wasn’t sure what he was going to see but he knew that he wouldn’t like it. He sat on the bottom step after this thought, refusing to look into the room that was once theirs.


The boy who lived, the golden hero, the scar headed wonder was scared to walk into a room he once knew off by heart. He gave himself a mental scolding and then taking a deep breath, got up and walked into the room. He stood fixated to the spot for a while, mouth hanging open slightly and his throat feeling dry. A wave of dizziness engulfed him and he grabbed onto the nearest thing - a table - for support. Things were missing from it and yet he wasn’t sure what they were. He just knew everything was different from now on.
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