Quality Quidditch

Mar 03, 2014 15:59

Title: Quality Quidditch
Word Count: 1,902
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Semi public sex, hand job, oral sex
Summary: Harry is out looking for a new broom.
Author's notes: Written for hd_writers' Wizarding Games 2014. Bingo Card 1 with the prompts Gobstone, Quaffle, Appleby Arrows, Swivenhodge, Gryffindor, Muggle Sport, Fouls, Viktor Krum and Celebrations.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. This was written for fun, not profit.

Harry walked down the narrow aisles of Quality Quidditch Supplies, raking his gaze across yet another rack of brooms.

State of the art, magically tested and highly endorsed flying equipment, the myriad labels stated proudly. And yet, not one of them struck his fancy.

Truth be told, Harry would just as soon stick with his trusty Firebolt but after four years on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team and another five with the Appleby Arrows, even he had to admit that it was time to retire his splintered, old friend. Plus the team had taken out a written petition after the Firebolt sort of...broke during the last practice.

“This isn’t some nonsensical muggle sport, Potter,” the captain had informed him haughtily. “You’re playing a wizard’s game now. Equipment is everything!”

And that was why Harry was stuck browsing through some of the finest brooms ever made and trying to find one that worked for him.

He had to admit they had some fancy features these days. The Cleansweep Mark Four was specially crafted to minimise flight drag. Unfortunately, it was too narrow and the balance was off. One brush with a Bludger and it would send him crashing. Nimbus had a whole new 3000 series and while he couldn’t argue with the craftsmanship, it did require a hell of a lot of maintenance. Besides, he really didn’t want a broom officially endorsed by Viktor Krum. Harry made a face at the thought.

He went back to his search, but without much hope. No, he’d already seen these ones. And those ones. And the ones in the far left corner. Harry huffed. Seriously, wasn’t there one broom in here he could possibly work with? Was that too much to ask for?

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn’t even realise he had company until a snide voice broke the silence. “Why, Potter. You seem to be lost. If I recall correctly, the shop next door deals with Exploding Snap Cards and Gobstones.”

Harry nearly dropped the Comet Limited Series Edition he was perusing. He looked up and scowled at his all too familiar companion. “Malfoy,” he grumbled, as the blond sauntered over. “Apparently, this day just couldn’t get worse on its own.”

Malfoy smirked and rolled his eyes. “Because I’m just dying for your company, Potter,” he retorted. “Anyway, if you need a professional’s opinion, I’ll be in the back.”

Before Harry could respond to that, Malfoy was already walking away. Harry glared at his retreating back. He had little time to school his expression as the blond halted and turned around.

“Oh and by the way, I wouldn’t pick that one,” he added. “Not unless you’re planning a riveting game of Swivenhodge with a bunch of First Years.”

Malfoy turned away again, but he definitely had Harry’s attention now.

“Hold on,” Harry bit out. Malfoy turned to look at him enquiringly. Harry huffed in irritation and put the broom back on the shelf. “Go on then,” he ordered shortly.

Malfoy raised an eyebrow and Harry’s irritation spiked. “Your job, Malfoy,” he elaborated. “I’m a customer and I need a broom. So get over here and help me find one.”

Malfoy’s lips twitched for a second but he obliged. “Very well,” he acquiesced. “So give me a rundown on what you’re looking for. I’ll take it from there.”

“I need something sturdy,” Harry replied. “But also light. You know, something that won’t drag with the lift off.”

Malfoy nodded in agreement. “That sounds about right,” he replied, brows drawing down in a quizzical frown as he regarded Harry. “Although with a lean build like yours, I wouldn’t think drag would be a problem. I’d prioritise on balance if I were you.”

Harry flushed slightly at Malfoy’s off-hand comment about his body. He’d obviously meant it in a purely professional context but the idea that Malfoy had noticed...

Abruptly, he realised that Malfoy was talking to him.

“Sorry?” Harry blurted, snapping back to attention.

Malfoy looked like he wanted to roll his eyes again. Instead, he held out another broom for Harry to look at. “I said, the Twigger has a questionable reputation but you might want to look at the newer models. They’re usually light and fairly good on the balance.”

Harry nodded along but his eyes were fixed on Malfoy’s fingers caressing the handle. He couldn’t help but observe that Malfoy had a light grip. Light but strong. And firm. He had slim- almost delicate - fingers but he definitely knew how to handle that...broomstick. Harry swallowed abruptly and forced himself to look away.

“They warp at high speed,” he said, trying to keep a slight tremor out of his voice. “That could get a bit... rough.”

“Mm,” Malfoy replied with a slight shrug. “I like it rough. But I suppose that’s an acquired taste.” His grey eyes flicked to Harry and a faint smirk pulled at his lips. Before Harry could make up his mind on whether Malfoy was yanking his chain or not, the blond was back raking through the shelves. Harry joined him in his search. Malfoy was doing all the work and Harry was...making double entendres in his head apparently. He shook his head and pulled out a random broom, mostly in an effort to distract himself.

“No,” Malfoy stated firmly, taking it back at once. “That one was specifically designed for a Chaser’s profile. Unless you’re planning on tossing a Quaffle for the Arrows, that’s not the broom for you.” His fingers brushed against Harry’s as he took the broom back and Harry could swear it was deliberate.

“You know I play Seeker for the Arrows?” he demanded. So Malfoy was keeping tabs on him then. He was watching...

Malfoy smirked. “I try to keep up. You lost to Puddlemere last time around, didn’t you?”

“That was a rotten foul,” Harry grumbled. He was still feeling rather touchy about it. And somehow, it rankled that Malfoy knew about that disastrous loss.

“Oh, I know,” Malfoy agreed smoothly. “Avery plays a dirty game. I hear he was dismissed not long after. Puddlemere has a new Seeker now, yes?”

Harry shrugged. “There’s a rumour going around, yeah. Avery’s definitely gone but no official announcements on the new bloke yet.”

“Afraid of a little competition?” Malfoy teased, his eyes sparking with challenge.

“I think you know the answer to that,” Harry replied with a grin, inching a bit closer to Malfoy. They were definitely flirting now.

“Confident, are we?” Malfoy purred.

“Find me the right broom and I guarantee a stupendous win.”

“And what’s in it for me?”

Harry chuckled. “If I’m feeling generous, I’ll make sure you’re part of a very exclusive...celebration.”

“You drive a hard bargain, Potter,” Malfoy smirked. “But I accept. Here.”

Harry just managed to catch the broomstick Malfoy tossed at him. “The Firebolt Mark Five,” Malfoy rattled off with practiced ease. “Light, sturdy, fantastic balance and one of the smoothest rides you’ll ever take.” He grinned almost insolently at that last bit and sauntered over, brushing a hand against Harry’s chest. “On a broom, that is.”

Harry’s blood surged. Okay, that was it. The cheeky little bugger was asking for it. He grabbed Malfoy’s arm and dragged him to a nearby closet. Malfoy stumbled slightly as Harry pushed him through.

“You know Potter, people get fired for this,” he pointed out. Harry growled and pulled him over again, licking and laving at Malfoy’s neck as he did. Malfoy groaned and tipped his head, giving Harry silent permission to continue.

“Then again, I’ve done worse,” he hissed as his hands fumbled with Harry’s robes.

Harry shut him with a kiss, groaning into Malfoy’s mouth as a nimble hand crept down and squeezed his cock through his boxers. “Off,” Harry growled, bucking into him. Malfoy responded with a half growl, half purr that made his cock twitch desperately. Malfoy smirked and yanked Harry’s boxers off, getting rid of his own pants a moment later.

The next second, Harry groaned as a lithe, pale body was pressed against his own. Damn, but Malfoy was fit. Toned and slender and lightly muscled in all the right places. He’d make a pretty decent Seeker himself with a body like that...

And then Malfoy’s hand wrapped against his cock again and Harry growled in pleasure as a teasing, questing finger thumbed at his slit. He returned the favour at once and Malfoy hummed in approval as Harry started jerking him off.

It was over far too quickly but at least Malfoy came first. Blunt nails dug into Harry’s shoulder as Malfoy keened softly and then he was jerking and arching into Harry’s grip, coating Harry’s fingers in his release. Malfoy staggered back against the wall to get his bearings, panting and staring at Harry- all dark grey eyes and flushed cheeks. And then his lips curled in a positively wicked grin and he dropped to his knees.

Harry bit back a moan as a talented mouth wrapped around his cock. His hands tightened into Malfoy’s hair, angling him just so. Malfoy took him deeper and relaxed his throat as Harry thrust into his warm, wet mouth. Gods, he was good at this. Harry just barely kept himself from fucking Malfoy’s throat with abandon but then Malfoy looked up at him and moaned around his cock...Harry hissed at the spike of pleasure, pulsing and thrusting as he came undone in Malfoy’s throat.

He groaned and staggered back against a wall, catching his breath. Malfoy stood up and wiped his mouth, eyes never straying from Harry. And damn it if he didn’t find that fucking hot. Malfoy grinned and tossed him his robes before seeking out his own and dressing himself.

“Not bad, Potter,” he said, sounding rather smug about the whole thing. “You never fail to surprise me.”

“Likewise,” Harry muttered. He managed a shaky laugh. “Maybe I should talk your boss into giving you a raise, eh?”

Malfoy turned back to him and cocked his head, a deceptively innocent expression flitting across his face.

“My...oh, dear me. I do believe you misunderstood, Potter.” His lips curved into a deliciously wicked smile. “I don’t work here.”

Harry’s grin faded and his jaw dropped. “What?”

Malfoy smirked and brushed past him. “Puddlemere wasn’t my first choice but then I heard they were playing the Appleby Arrows this season.” The smirk turned into an insolent grin. “I just couldn’t say no.”

Harry’s head was reeling.

Bloody hell.

“I’ll see you on the Pitch, Potter,” Malfoy drawled as he sauntered off. “Oh, and between you and me? If you thought Avery plays dirty, well...you’ve not seen anything yet.” One more smirk and he was gone, the door clicking shut behind him.

Harry leaned against the wall again. That sneaky little bastard! His cock twitched at the memory of Malfoy’s lips and tongue and throat. Harry groaned in dismay. How the bloody hell was he supposed to concentrate on his game with Malfoy all up in his head? He was doomed.

Then again, he had promised Malfoy a private celebration if he won. Harry cocked his head, and a slight smile pulled at his lips as he considered that little detail. Of course, Malfoy would make him work for it but when had Harry ever backed down from a challenge?

He grinned. Oh, he could work with this. Given the incentive, he could definitely work with this.

Harry straightened his robes and ventured out to purchase his new Firebolt Mark Five.

Let the games begin.

** Follow Up: Incentives and Encounters**

mature, quality quidditch arc, quidditch, harry, oral sex, humour, smut, draco, handjob, hd_writers challenge: wizarding games, drarry

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