Draco's Mean Cousin

Aug 08, 2013 23:46

Title: Draco's Mean Cousin
Author: dracogotgame
Rating: PG
Warnings: pre-slash, alive!Sirius, obviously non-canon compliant
Word Count: 1,050
Notes: Written for dove_drabbles' August prompt: Hey, why not? Contains references from 'The Ring' which is a very scary movie. I'm with Draco on this *nods*
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created for fun and no profit has been made. Rights belong to the respective creators.
Summary: Sirius spooks Draco and Harry pays the price.

Harry jumped as the doorbell rang- a shrill, sharp sound shattering his hard earned moment of tranquillity. He frowned. It was after ten and he certainly wasn’t expecting company. He went over a mental list in his head. Ron and Hermione were in Australia, visiting her parents. Teddy and Andromeda only came by in the afternoon. And Draco was…

Oh no.

Harry hurried over to the door, swinging it open to reveal his distraught boyfriend. Draco didn’t waste time on pleasantries. He immediately glommed on to Harry, snuffling into his shirt. Instinctively, Harry’s arms wrapped around his upset, shaky boyfriend and he stroked his hair soothingly.

“Hey you,” he crooned softly. For someone who was the very epitome of aloof and put together, it was astounding how much Draco could resemble a terrified little kitten when the occasion called for it. Harry’s protective instincts came to the forefront and he tightened his hold, nuzzling into Draco’s blond hair. “What’s wrong?” he asked, even though he had a fairly good idea.

“Your godfather is a Very Bad Man,” Draco declared sullenly.

And ten points to Gryffindor. Harry suppressed the urge to groan. In retrospect, he should have known better. A few weeks ago, Sirius had inexplicably got it into his head that bonding with Draco was the thing to do. This by itself wasn’t a bad idea- considering that Draco was his cousin, and Harry had been dating said cousin for about four months now. That said, Draco was currently in his arms shaking like a leaf and there was a very good chance that a certain ex Marauder was responsible.

“What did he do?” Harry asked wearily. The sheer possibilities for mayhem when Sirius was involved were exponential.

“It was horrible,” Draco sniffed, burrowing into him again.

“What was horrible?” Harry pressed.

Draco clenched at his shoulders and sniffed fretfully. “She…she came out of the box,” he whined. “She…she crawled out of the b-box and… Merlin, I can’t even say it!”

Harry frowned, unable to get any sense out of his babbling boyfriend. “Um…who came out of the box?” he asked finally.

Draco disentangled himself and stared at Harry with huge, scared eyes. “S-samara,” he whispered.

He whimpered and wrapped himself around his boyfriend again. Harry held on, suppressing the urge to bang his head against the wall. Honestly, of all the stupid things to do…

Shaking his head, he ushered Draco indoors and finally succeeded in depositing him on the couch. Draco pouted, clearly unhappy at being left alone and Harry pressed a kiss to his forehead before marching over to fetch his phone. He would have tried the floo, but Sirius was rather enthralled with muggle technology these days and had taken to ignoring his boring, old fireplace in favour of a shiny, new cell-phone. Harry couldn’t help a mental eye-roll as he punched in the number.

Sirius answered on the second ring. “I was wondering when you’d call,” he chortled, sounding rather pleased with himself.

Harry was not amused. “You showed him The Ring?” he gritted. “Why in Merlin’s name would you do that?”

“Hey, why not?” Sirius demanded, sounding affronted. “It’s a great movie!”

“Draco is afraid of the toaster on a good day!” Harry snapped. “You scared him half to death and now I have to calm him down.”

He was not appeased when Sirius started snickering. “Yeah, he’s a jumpy one isn’t he? Cute, though. I can see why you like him.”

Harry groaned. “Sirius, I can’t believe I have to say this to a grown man. You’re not supposed to traumatise my boyfriend!”

“Oh come on, it was just a movie,” Sirius scoffed. “Oh fine, I’ll apologize. Put the kid on the phone.”

“Thank you,” Harry muttered, approaching Draco and handing him the phone. “He wants to talk to you,” he explained. The blond accepted the device reluctantly and manhandled it to his ear. “What?” he mumbled. Harry discerned some sort of muttering from the other end and assumed Sirius was making a contrite apology.

He was firmly disabused of this optimistic notion when Draco shrieked in indignation and screamed into the device.

“Black, you bastard! I am not going to die in seven days! Don’t ever talk to me again, you twat!”

He flung the phone and Harry watched it sail off, the sounds of Sirius’ cackling still faintly audible. Right, then. He gave up and approached Draco, pulling him into a hug. “Hey now,” he murmured. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

“He’s a jerk,” Draco sniffed.

Harry grinned. “He’s just teasing,” he murmured placatingly. “He’s actually quite fond of you.”

“The feeling is not mutual.”

Harry chuckled and pressed a kiss to his cheek, letting his lips trace Draco’s soft skin. “Poor thing,” he murmured softly against his jaw line. “What can I do to make it better?”

Draco hummed in approval and tilted his head, giving Harry better access. “A good shag might distract me,” he replied coyly.

“My thoughts exactly,” Harry smirked, pushing him back against the sofa. He brushed his lips against Draco’s, placing one hand on his nape to pull him into a snog and the other on the sofa to support his weight.

Really, it was just a cosmic middle finger that said hand had to land on the innocuous, little remote control.

It all happened in a second…

The television flickered to life with a low buzz. Harry didn’t even realize what was happening until Draco’s shrill, terrified shriek rang out. And then, his boyfriend was wide eyed and scrambling back against the couch, brandishing a wand.


“What the…”

“Die, you horrible bitch! Reducto!”

There was a bang of epic proportions and Harry took cover behind a cushion as the television exploded into smithereens. Wreckage flew across the room with myriad bangs and crashes, followed by ominous silence. By the time Harry was able to unearth himself, the telly was a smoking pile of plastic and wires and Draco had barricaded himself in the bathroom. Harry could just make out faint, fretful mutterings about rings and Samaras and oh god oh god oh god...

He sighed and retrieved his phone, punching in a now familiar number. This time, he didn’t even give Sirius a second to chortle out a greeting. “You owe me a new telly,” he snapped. “And next time, stick to cartoons.” And then he chucked the phone away and made his way to the loo, preparing to resume his boyfriend retrieval efforts.

oneshot, fluff, protective, malfoy's muggle misadventures, harry, sirius, humour, dove drabbles, draco, established, drarry

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