And it begins...

Dec 03, 2007 09:33


Phase One:
Procrastinate- (verb) 1. To ignore that you have stuff to do in favor of playing your GBA games. 2. The skill of telling yourself, "I have time."

Phase Two:
Optimism- (noun) The disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome. EI: Sure I'll get that done in time!

Phase Three:
Blind Panic- (state of mind)
ZOMG! ImsobehindimgonnafailisuckatlifepleasemakeitallstopwhoneedssleepwherearemypizzarollsihavetostudyAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Phase Four:
The End- The state of being done with it all and moving to the Christmas Crisis.

But lets not borrow trouble, eh?

Note: If I get a single comment telling me to start now so as not to feel the pressure, I will delete you. Pressure is good. Pressure makes me cook.

After all, stress is just another word for 'Git 'er done'. Stress is determination and drive's angry mother.


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