I'm deeply embarrassed for my country at the moment. Lol. And the media are not helping. After hearing that we apparently need lessons in how to use de-icer and scrapers (huh? seriously?) from the BBC, MSN's headlines this afternoon aren't much better
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Comments 6
LOL!! That's just embarrassing...
The thing is....we always get at least a little snow and we definitely get ice and have to scrape/de-ice our cars! Everyone's acting like we live in some tropical paradise and the weather has suddenly turned freakishly cold. Um...no folks, this is Britain, get used to it. I'm almost positive we had worse snow last year and there wasn't nearly as much fuss! And, the snow came on Easter Sunday, totally unexpected and out of the blue and everyone thought it was great! Snow in February....how dare it! Lol.
I think maybe we didn't get our full quota of complaining in last year because we seemed to skip the summer floods. We're just making up for it now and praying for a heat wave this summer so we can moan about that too. Even when the weather's nice we complain about it. Lol.
You want to rec my fic already? Hehe. Awesome. :)
damn right! lol, not that most of my flist wil lread it, but I know at least one :)
It's sad that we get ice days and yet... If it actually did snow, I don't think south Texas would actually survive. *shakes head*
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