Archive of Our Own

Mar 16, 2010 22:36

I LOVE this archive! So easy to use and it just makes much more sense than (which just makes me tear my hair out ( Read more... )

ao3, fanfic

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Comments 12

nandamai March 16 2010, 23:24:19 UTC
You have to email to close the account. There's no button to do it. The address is somewhere in the FAQ.

I deleted mine years ago and felt better immediately.


draco_somnians March 17 2010, 00:02:58 UTC
Ah, ok I'll do that. Thanks.

(You have a Cat icon!!! *loves*)


lolmac March 16 2010, 23:34:30 UTC
:-( I would suggest you leave the account open -- you can use it to leave comments on other people's stories. (Like mine? She says in a wee, small, plaintive voice.)

There are a lot of accounts that are reader-only.


draco_somnians March 17 2010, 00:03:59 UTC
I didn't think of that...

Hmmm, maybe I will just leave it then. I'm just getting sick of the random crazies. Lol.


lolmac March 17 2010, 00:20:16 UTC
I take it that the 'random crazies' have been leaving bitchy comments on your own fic? Screw them and the horses they rode in on.

On the reader side, in addition to being able to comment, you can still bookmark fic, set up alerts for favorite authors or stories or any combination thereof, etc. The reader side of is a hell of a lot more user-friendly than the author interface, in fact. Makes ya wonder.

And if you leave your profile up, you can direct people to where your own fic is archived. When I get an interesting commetn on my own stories, I usually follow the commenter back to their own profile, to see what they've written themselves, and also what other fic they like. I've found some real jewels that way.

And consider: you're in my Favorite Authors list. If your profile links over to your AO3 archive, anyone who checks out my own faves might end up reading your fic. In which case everybody benefits!


draco_somnians March 17 2010, 00:25:25 UTC
I only had one bitchy comment. (someone banging on about frat regs. They themselves write Jack/Janet! HUH?) The rest have just been...odd. Or very "good fic, write more". Lol.

Mostly I just don't like the place. I can't get my head around it. Linking to AO3 might be a good idea though. Although, I don't want to transfer the crazies over there! Lol.

Hmmm, I'll look at it again tomorrow, when I'm not about to nod off. :)


not_a_zatarc March 17 2010, 02:43:37 UTC
Now you've got me grazing over at this new archive. :P ;)


draco_somnians March 17 2010, 15:43:22 UTC
It's shiny! :D And I love how it's pretty much anything goes as long as you warn and tag it correctly.


petite_stars March 17 2010, 08:59:19 UTC
a new archive ... ooo shiny!!

I would reccommend leaving your account open to comment on others fics and maybe to also link to your new archive (hopefully the FFN nutters stay where they are though...)


draco_somnians March 17 2010, 15:42:13 UTC
I've been thinking that I might just link to my LJ from and disable anonymous comments and make everything private except for fic. Then only the most persistent ones will get to AO3. Lol. Everyone seems to be playing so nicely over there at the moment that I don't want to bring it to the crazies attention.


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