
Jan 27, 2010 22:17

Tagged by not_a_zatarc

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".

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Comments 12

wanderingsmith January 28 2010, 00:05:00 UTC
correct order? have you ever explained how this order was corrected?

'fascinating' in the word -lol, or is that too treky for you?-


draco_somnians January 28 2010, 00:06:39 UTC
The correct order is my least favourite flavour to my most favourite flavour. Is that not obvious? *g*


wanderingsmith January 28 2010, 00:08:19 UTC
LMAO!!!!!! sorry braintwin, com's malfunctioning


draco_somnians January 28 2010, 00:16:03 UTC
Blame Avatar. It broke my brain with it's migraine-inducing 3D freakiness.


vickyocean January 28 2010, 01:46:42 UTC
1. But do you eat them?


draco_somnians January 28 2010, 20:58:12 UTC
Yes, but only in fillets. If it looks like a fish there's no way I'm going near it.


clockwork_sky January 28 2010, 05:25:29 UTC
I do something similar with Skittles.

#3 is strangely attractive... (See icon for why...) Haha. I didn't even notice it at first, but then one day, I was like, "Hmmm...."

I'm the same way about my bedroom door usually.

I like orange juice, but hate orange flavoring.


draco_somnians January 28 2010, 21:01:47 UTC
I do something similar with Skittles.

Really?? There's more than one of us?! YAY! :)


clockwork_sky January 28 2010, 22:34:50 UTC
XD Yay! We should stick together.


not_a_zatarc January 28 2010, 17:24:02 UTC
4. Ooh, that totally grosses me out too! Ick! XD


thothmes January 29 2010, 06:49:10 UTC
So, given that it has now been established that there are fish in Jack's pond, does this mean that if he showed up on your doorstep with a fishing invite, you'd say no?

Just teasing, but in the interests of full disclosure I feel I must point out that I used to wear a T-shirt with the legend "Reel women fish" on it, until I got too small for it. My husband wears it now. It just doesn't have quite the same impact displayed on him!

I did much the same thing with M&M's, which don't even have different flavors. And grapes? Yum. Grape jam or grape-flavored stuff? Eeeeew!


draco_somnians January 31 2010, 15:42:56 UTC
I'm cool with the fish as long as they stay in the water. And as long as I'm quite far away from the water. I'm sure I could think of some way to keep Jack from actually catching anything and keep us both far away from the fish... *g*

I don't do it with M&M's for some reason. I'm not sure why. Anything else though is fair game for being sorted and colour-coded. :)


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