(no subject)

Jan 13, 2008 13:01

So, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” have finally been published in Serbia. I have hated in in English and I still hate it in my mother tongue. And still I went and bought it. Proof, if proof was needed that I’m insane and/or masochistic. Unfortunately, after suffering (again) through DH, I just can't get it out of my head. I have a right to rant.

-    Attack of the house elves - * brainflash * “The Mummy Returns” and attack of mummified pygmies. Pure parody. Elves have magic right?

-    Molly - First off I never liked her. She's judgmental (for example: “scarlet women” incident in 4th year), she’s a lot like Devil's snare suffocating all around her, her children and her husband. But in DH she’s unbearable. Whole “keep the trio separated” ploy is outrageous. But, she does it because she love them so it's alright. (heavy sarcasm) I have long suspected (from 1st book and "I think Mom's got a second cousin who's an accountant, but we never talk about him." ) that Molly have got issues with Muggles, but after “meeting” her "Great Auntie" Muriel I’m sure. Muriel is a bigot (like any member of some “bad” pureblood families) she speak in disrespectful way toward Muggle-born’s :
To Hermione : "‘Oh dear, is this the Muggle-born?’ ‘Bad posture and skinny ankles.’". and for Kendra : “„Dumbledore’s mother was a terrifying woman, simply terrifying. Muggle-born, though I heard she pretended otherwise-“...„- proud and very domineering, the sort of witch who would have been mortified to produce a Squib-“
In both case “Muggle-born” is presented as something bad, something people should be ashamed of. Prewett’s obviously have anti-muggle prejudices. And what’s with Molly killing Bellatrix? Complete WTF moment.

-    Percy… such a waste. I have truly, and foolishly, hoped that he will turn out to be Order’s spy in the Ministry. But it was not to be. No, we got classical prodigal son and affirmation that 1.Yes, Percy is a git, 2.Ambition is always bad/ Slytherin, and something we need to overcome if we want to be forgiven.

-    Dumbledore - first rate manipulator and puppeteer. He has led Harry like a lamb to slaughter. And his treatment of Snape? “the epitome of goodness” (JKR) my a**. I don’t believe that he has ever truly cared for anyone but himself and his grand plans. All for a Greater Good. *Nods sagely*

-    Slytherin house - real letdown. What  have we learned in seven years/books? There is no good Slytherin. None, nada, zilch. End of show kids. If it’s Slytherin it’s evil. Only good (but in DH made pathetic) Slytherin is a dead Slytherin. All talk of “houses must unite” is to be forgotten.

-    So many question that never will be answered.

-    Character development is nonexistent, characters degradation on the other hand… I’m hard pressed to find one, just ONE, character that hasn’t been butchered. Plus, all characters appear to have Multiple Personality Disorder or same other mental illness. They act entirely OOC or like they had suddenly lost half of their mind (for example: Crabbe&Goyle I know they have never been brain trusts, but come on! In DH I was surprised that they have managed to walk and talk at the same time.)

-    Hermione - I take my hat off to all those people with “Hermione-is-an-evil-murderer-cruel-manipulator-and-need-to-be-punished-for-her-evil-deeds” theories. You have been right. She has been punished - she got married to Ronald Weasley. This is clearly cruel and unusual punishment.

-    Kamikaze Harry and Suicide Cheerleaders are just plain sick. And scary, when I think how many kids are reading that.

-    Doe thing is confusing, stupid and insulting. I don’t like Lily, but why is she a doe? Does she have personality or is she only stag's mate?

-    Snape and Snape/ Lily. No comment. Those are unspeakable horrors.

-    Voldemort act like a moron and has become a cliché.

-    Idiot plot galore. Whole book is O.K. only if you are complete moron or small child. There are more plot holes then plot.

-    Remus and Tonks got married AND murdered offscreen. Both events are commented on in passing. But that's just dandy it's not like they are important.

-    Whole wand thing is incredibly funny. Or just plain stupid. I'm not sure which. Probably both.

-    Ron is whiny, prejudiced, hypocrite, passive-aggressive, sulky moron. Well, to be fair we already knew that. Nothing new. Oh, wait, actually there is something new : Ron is a linguistic genius. He need to hear parseltongue just once end ta-da! He can hiss it. So, convenient that.

-    Malfoy family - Draco is a scaredy-cat ... no, excuse me, scaredy-serpent (we can't give him noble Gryffindor’s characteristic, can’t we?) and thus beyond redemption.  Hence, as punishment he get receding hair. Lucius Malfoy, no, I will not comment him either. There is no way in hell I could be objective. I like him too much for that.

-    Epilogue appears to be extremely badfic (written by eleven year old) on fanfiction.net. JKR has obviously been pressed for time so she just stole whole thing. Makes sense to me.What else can explain crapilogue?
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