Title: Fancy a Game of Pool?
Prompt: Though it's too late to post now, this was originally written for the alternate endings challenge at
Characters/Pairings: Tosh/Owen
Genres: General, romance
Summary: "Do you fancy a game of pool sometime?" An alternate scene from "Meat."
“Do you fancy a game of pool sometime?” Tosh blurted.
“Yeah, I’ll check with the others. We can have a Torchwood tournament. It’d be fun.”
"I meant just the two of us,” Tosh said softly.
“What, you mean like a date?” Owen verified, sounded slightly taken aback.
Tosh blushed. “Yeah, I suppose so.” She looked up at him hopefully. “Are you interested?”
“Yeah, I suppose so,” he answered with a grin, deliberately mimicking her, and Tosh blushed again. “Might be fun. What say I pick you up around seven on Friday?”
“Sounds great,” Tosh said and hurried away, grinning widely.