Title: Sleep of the Dead
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Characters: Rimmer-centric.
Prompt: 030. Death
Word Count: 100 exactly.
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Set in Season I/II ish.
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It’s difficult not to be tired when you’re dead. Rimmer’s used to a schedule that doesn’t allow much time for sleep, but with the days empty of activities, he finds himself slipping further and further into exhaustion.
His alarm clock is the loudest kind on the ship, and he still has trouble getting up. Lister begins to wear earplugs to bed, but Rimmer is eventually forced to have Holly prod him awake.
Holly tells him that it’s psychological, but Rimmer finds himself convinced that his body is rebelling - humans shouldn’t be dead and living at the same time.
Rimmer sleeps.
Title: Cockroach Theory
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Characters: Rimmer/Lister
Prompt: 005. Last
Word Count: 100 exactly.
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Set in Season I/II ish.
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It’s odd how Rimmer - hell, it isn’t just odd, it’s downright freaky - can come back again and again.
He fails an astronavigation exam - bam! He’s back the next day, signing up for the next one.
He dies - bam! He’s back, and twice as tetchy.
He’s like a damn cockroach, Lister thinks.
You stomp on him, and he’s still alive. He’s impossible to kill.
They say only cockroaches will survive nuclear war - well, Rimmer survived came back after getting hit in the face with a nuclear blast.
Lister’s the last human alive, but he knows that Rimmer will outlast him.
Title: Truth Revelation
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Characters: Rimmer/Lister
Prompt: 022. Enemies
Word Count: 100 exactly.
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Set in Season VI ish.
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It’s a moment of revelation.
“You WHAT?”
It doesn’t last long.
Before Rimmer can tell Lister what to do with his precious feelings, Lister’s running.
Damn space-style truth serums.
He runs into his room, and that’s when he finds a list of questions he’s compelled to answer on a sheet of paper. The handwriting is Kryten’s, but the questions are from Cat. (And at the bottom, one or two by Rimmer.)
Lister tries to stop himself, but he’s already putting the answers on the sheet and placing the sheet outside of his door.
Then he locks himself in his room.
Title: Stuck onboard
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Characters: Rimmer/Lister
Prompt: 034. Not Enough
Word Count: 100 exactly.
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Set in Season VI.
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It’s almost like Quarantine - they’re all trapped in a space, and even though they’re all used to each other, the door is closed. It’s not as violent as Quarantine was, but it’s almost as bad. Lister can’t play his guitar, as they rest of the crew would kill him if he did.
Suddenly, Simulants pop up out of nowhere, and now they can call themselves Space Adventurers. Trouble is, the term means squat when it’s a badge of survival.
They’d rather have Red Dwarf back.
The stress runs high, and there is no way to relieve it.
They need privacy.