Title: Linguistics Author: flecksofpoppy Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Characters/Pairings: Reno Rating: PG Spoilers/Warnings: n/a Summary: Letters are not Reno's forte.
Title: Deflagration Fandom: FFVII Characters/Pairings: Tifa, Barret Rating: PG Spoilers/Warnings: None Summary: On the anniversary of Meteorfall. (200 word double-drabble)
Title: Prometheus Fandom: FFVII Characters/Pairings: Jessie Rating: PG Spoilers/Warnings: None Summary: The most important things in life are usually stolen
Title: Investing Author: flecksofpoppy Fandom: Kuroshitsuji Characters/Pairings: Rating: PG Spoilers/Warnings: N/A Summary: Alan only has a few belongings.