Theme 80: It's Okay Not to be Okay

Sep 05, 2011 20:57

Today's theme:

It's Okay Not to be Okay1. Submit your drabble that fits this theme as a comment to this post. It should be between 100-300 words, if you go over/under a bit that's fine! If it's longer than say 400 words, I ask that you post on your journal or and then submit the link to this post. If you find that your story is ( Read more... )

theme 80: it's okay not to be okay

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rattyjol September 8 2011, 05:30:49 UTC
Fandom: Animorphs
Claim: Elfangor & family
Rating: PG
Drabbles completed so far: 27/100

I've never been fond of Elfangor. He plays the hero, his dreams too big and his mind always in the stars while his hooves stay planted firmly in the grass. And yet, now, watching him, I can't help but feel sorry for my fellow aristh as he huddles out of the way by Alloran's personal waterfall, his flank trembling visibly beneath his fur. He's trying to hide, but the Jahar is too small to hide someone as large as he is. He's already grown taller and broader than I ever will, probably, but I don't envy him his physical strength now.

I trot up behind him, hooves clopping softly on the floor, and his tail blade jerks in reflex. I stand well out of range, having no desire to taste the blade that's already seen too much use today.

< Aristh Arbron, > he says, too polite, too formal. Elfangor has never been fond of formalities.

< You missed a spot, > I say, dipping my tail blade down to shear away the very tips of the hair on his flank. Dried blood -- ( ... )


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