September 12, 2006
Come on Abigail, one more big push. Just one more, honey… Lee Dubenko coaches his wife from the foot of the hospital bed she’s currently reclining on. He has his hand on their daughter’s head, has since she crowned with the previous contraction. Looking up to meet her gaze, he gives Abby an encouraging smile. She’s almost
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Both hands almost automatically come up to cradle the infant, and Abby's expression softens into one of awe as she sees her daughter for the first time. Oh my god...Lee...Her eyes fly up to her husband's face, searching, before returning to the tiny girl on her chest. She runs a finger down her cheek, taking in her angry expression. Shh...Illiania, I know...That wasn't so much fun, was it? She looks back up at Lee, her eyes shining with unshed tears, then back again at Illiania. Oh, look at you...look at her, Lee...
He frowns when the nurse nudges him again, saying that she needs to take the baby and bathe her, weigh her...and he knows the need for the initial examinations, for putting an id bracelet on her but it doesn't keep him from feeling angry at the intrusion, protective of the infant as the woman lifts her up and carries her to the other side of the delivery room.
Torn between staying by Abby's side and following Illiania, Coburn makes the decision for him. Alright, Daddy...Mommy and I still have work to do over here. Go find out how much your daughter weighsso that your wife can brag about pushing her out without pain meds.
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