After a long hiatus, here's my foray back into fandom (hopefully)...
Title: Kate Heightmeyer's Five Most Difficult Patients
Author: Dr. Dredd
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,434
Season: Early Season 2
Spoilers: None
Summary: The five people Kate finds most difficult to treat. Written for the "Five Things" challenge at
sga_flashfic (
Five patients )
Comments 18
It's always priceless when people on Atlantis realize (like in her thoughts about Teyla) that they are thinking things that would be pretty much impossible on Earth.
The romantic tidbit with Bates was lovely, as was the last line.
It occurred to me that people always think John would be resistant to seeing Kate, but nobody ever wondered about Elizabeth. As for Bates, for some reason I love pairing the two of them.
Thanks for reviewing!
Poor Kate. Who heals the healer? I think Carson would do a good job. Thanks for reviewing!
I had to look up "alexithymia"--I hadn't heard of that before. I learned something new today. :-)
I love the part with Bates; I didn't expect that at all. I did expect Carson to be the one whose ear she bent; who else?
Good to hear from you again! I hope there will be more to come!
Thanks for the encouragement. I also don't like stories with Kate as bad guy. Psychology/psychiatry has a bad enough rap as it is; we fanfic writers don't need to make it worse. I'm glad you liked the Bates bit, though. I tried to think of two of the most unlikely people to pair together...
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